Chapter Seven

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After sitting through dinner, taking a twenty minute shower, and changing into my softest pajamas. Will texted me.

Will: Come over?

Aaliyah: I'm tired, I just put on my pajamas anyway, nothing sexy about that.

Will: Please, I miss you. I just want to see you.

Aaliyah: I need sleep.

Will: I need you.

I sighed, rolling out of bed. I'd known the second he'd texted me that I was going. I did blush, and cringe at the last text. But I felt, the heat in my cheeks, and I let that win over. I pulled off my pajamas, and dawned black leggings and a lacy white camisole. I let my hair down from it's ponytail, I even put on makeup, not like it wouldn't get ruined anyway. But I felt pretty. Prettier than pajamas would ever make me feel. I pulled on a hoodie over everything. After expertly dismounting from my window, I found my bike leaning against the side of the house. I knew, if I took my car that my mother would see the headlights in her window, and freak out. So biking it was. Plus I had calf muscles to rival a ballerinas. The bike ride took me maybe twenty minutes, and I was breathing so hard it felt like my lungs might collapse. When I knocked on the glass of his window, his face appeared almost instantly. I watched him swallow something, and then open the window. I collapsed onto his bed. He smiled seeing me. Rubbing my back with one hand. It almost seemed like he was stumbling.

"You came." He whispered, laying down next to me.

"You really thought I wouldn't?" I gasped. He laughed, tracing the the curve of my neck and shoulder.

"I knew you would." He said.

I hated him for saying that. He knew I would come, if he wanted me too. He knew I would show up.

"I suppose I'm predictable."


This time, I did not fall asleep at Will's house, I stayed for an hour, and when he tried to hold me afterword I found my clothing and slipped from the window. Home again, I didn't risk a shower, afraid my mother would ask why it was necessary for me to shower twice in four hours. I pulled my pajamas back on, and took of my makeup. Which as predicted, had been ruined with the sweat that had dripped down my forehead. I collapsed into bed. When I awoke, it was to my mother's frantic voice.

"Lia? Liaaa?" She was saying, over and over again. I propted myself up on my hands, trying to blink away the sleep. She shoved her phone into my hand. It was a text, from Sarah, Jacobs mom. I saw two words, and I was wide awake, and stone cold sober. Will overdosed. I read the rest of the text. It went like this:

Sarah: Hello Charmaine, I'm sorry for texting you so late, or early I suppose. We are at the hospital at the moment, Last night, William overdosed on drugs. I was going to ask you, to ask Aaliyah, if she ever witness Jacob using any kind of drugs. We aren't sure what caused Will to overdose, although the doctors believe it was a combination of painkillers and fentanyl.

I didn't say anything. I had been with Will last night. I had known he was stumbling around, and definitely not sober. Although, I assumed he was drunk or stoned maybe. Not in the midst of an overdose. I set the phone down.

"Well have you?" My mom pressed.

I was so wrapped up thinking about Will, I forgot the rest of Sarah's text.

"Have you witnessed Jacob using drugs before?" She asked, her voice frantic. I felt a wave of relief fill my body.

"No mom, he doesn't."

"Good, because I sure will not have my daughter dating a drug user. Sarah's kids are always so well behaved, and kind. For goodness sakes, I used to babysit Will. He was such a sweet child. So kind." She said, her voice awash of concern.

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