Chapter Eight

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Will, looks, by all accounts: like shit. I practically collapse when we see him. He's hooked up to a thousand machines, he looks like he's been through the ringer. His eyes are open, and he's looking at Jacob and I. He raises his eyebrow when he sees me.

"I didn't expect to see you here." He says, smiling. Jacob, instinctively answers, though I have a feeling he's not talking about him.

"Of course I'm here dumbass." He says, sitting down in the chair next to Will.

"Not you." Will says, gesturing to me, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Jacob rolls his eyes. But we're both not really sure what to say.

"She's my girlfriend, why shouldn't she be here?" Jacob snaps. Will shrugs, looking as if it takes a great effort.

"Your girlfriend huh?" He says curiously.

I shake my head, the smallest bit. He sees it though, and says nothing more. My heart is racing, though.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Jacob snaps, at his brother. Will rolls his eyes, seeming pretty sober to me.

"What you talking about lil bro?"

"You know your going back to rehab right?" Jacob asks.

Will nods, reaching for the cup of water next to him. Taking a healthy swig.

"I had an inkling." He says sarcastically. Now Jacob rolls his eyes. I am, mildly bored, and scared, in the middle of this conversation.

"What is this your fifth rehab?" Jacob asks.

"Sixth, actually. Counting that wilderness place they sent me when I was sixteen."

I take this moment, to recall what I really knew about the Moore family. When I met Jacob, he had never once mentioned Will, or that he was a user. Often, Will was never around, and I always thought that was because he was off him friends, when in actuality he was in rehab. I made a mental note, to talk to Jacob about this later.

"Jesus christ." Jacob muttered.

"What?" Will asked, innocently.

"Don't you hate the detox? The come down? Not having it?" He asked. Will shrugged, downing his water.

"The first time, and the second time it was rough. But by now I've figured out the key, the key is candy, lil bro. Eat sugar, it helps. Sex helps too, makes you feel the same kind of pleasure, same high." On that part about sex, he looks pointedly at me. Winking, ever so slightly. I shake my head, ever so slightly.

"I'm going to go get us some coffee." Jacob said, standing up. Leaving me alone with Will. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

"He's mad at you." I tell him.

"Is he?" Will asks, sarcastically.

"This is your sixth rehab?" I ask. He nods.

"What can I say I'm an addict."

A silence falls between us. I feel a lump in my throat. I'm not really sure why. Two minutes later, Jacob returns with two cups of coffee.

"None for me?" Will asks. Jacob rolls his eyes.

"When your discharged from the hospital, you can have a coffee."

So there we are, the three of us sitting in silence. Eventually, Jacob stands up, and reaches for my hand. I take it, standing up too. Then, I think twice.

"One second." I tell him, Jacob looks confused, but leaves the room anyway. I lean down, so my eyes are level with Wills.

"We got back together. So whatever we were, we aren't." I tell him. He sighs, but his eyes look disbelieving.

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