Chapter Nine

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I was walking a tightrope, but the ceiling was on fire, and so was the floor. Nor matter what, eventually it consumed me. This, was the recurring dream I'd been having since the day I left Will at the hospital. It, for some reason I thought it was a good symbolism of my life. Nor matter what I do, I'll end up on fire, in the end everything will fall apart. The days, were getting longer, and I was getting restless. Until chaos showed back up into town. Chaos, also known as Will. I had just gotten out of the shower, a white towel wrapped around my body, my wet hair falling in waves down my back. I saw him climb out of his mother's BMW, having gained 15 pounds, smiling, his hair slick back, looking like he walked out of a teen vogue shoot. I sucked in air, standing at the window watching.

"Fuck." I said aloud, watching him pick up his suitcase and the muscles in his arm flex. I pressed my hand to the glass, as if I was reaching out to touch him. My breath fogged on the glass, and I watched him disappear into his house. But just before he did, he looked up, toward my bedroom window, and smiled. I backed away from the window, my eyes stinging with tears, tears that I never said. It had been a month, and things hadn't gone back to normal. Even in Jacobs arms, all I wanted was Will, as if I was drawn to chaos like a fly to honey, never satisfied.

But, instead of thinking of Will. I thought about Jacob. While I thought about him, I pulled on the long silky pink summer dress, I had bought from Nordstroms. Today, was technically our two year anniversary. Technically. My body, looked almost foreign to me in the mirror. I had read somewhere, that when you have sex without protection, their DNA stays in you for seven years. Seven long years, until he officially wouldn't be a part of me. Just then, my phone chimed.

Jacob: Hey, I know we're supposed to go out tonight, but Will just got home. my parents want us to go to dinner tn, u wanna come?

Aaliyah: sure, should i wear the same thing?

Jacob: yea.

There, were a million things I didn't want to do including finals, eating olives, and gardening. However, I would've taken every final ever, to avoid this bullshit. But I couldn't run from Will, for forever. So i braided my hair, i attempted french braids twice, and eventually settled for a regular, one, hanging down my back. I did my makeup, and hooked gold hoop earrings into my ears. I stared at myself in the mirror. Realizing who i was, I was a liar, I was a cheater, and a sinner. I turned away from the mirror, only to see Will at his own window. I guess, I hadn't realized that from the window that faced south, I could see directly into his bedroom. I drew the curtain shut tightly.

When Jacob picked me up, it was with flowers in his hand. Red roses, my favorite kind of flower since the age of six. He looked, like a god. All muscle, perfect jawline, and shimmering blue eyes. He wore an entire suit, as if he was getting married

"Where are we going?" I asked, as he opened the passenger side door. I smoothed my dress over. He turned the keys in the ignition again.

"Some fancy place, The Bambara?" He said, shrugging his shoulders. I raised my eyebrows. He wasn't wrong, when he said we were going somewhere fancy.

"My parents go there for their anniversary every year. It's crazy expensive." I said. Now, it was Jacob's turn to look surprised.

"They always do this, take Will to some fancy ass restaurant when he gets out of rehab, but you know what's hilarious?" He asked, getting on the highway. I shook my head, I didn't know.

"They always order a bottle of wine for themselves, or dad drinks a beer. Like, hello? He just got out of rehab you know." He said laughing. I didn't mean to sound insensitive when I said what I said next.

"I thought drugs were the problem, not alcohol." I stated. He rolled his eyes.

"everything is the problem with him. Shit, he'd be addicted to advil if it got him high." Jacob snipped. We sat in silence until we got to the restaurant. Stepping out of the car, we saw Sarah, Don and Will stepping from their car too. Will, wore a suit, along with Don, and Sarah wore a long red dress. It was like one month in rehab was the met gala. Or maybe, I was snippy. Will, was leaning against their BMW, when he saw me he smirked, but didn't say anything.

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