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“How dare you think it's romantic, leaving me safe and stranded? 'Cause fuck it, I was in love. So fuck you if I can’t have us,”


In her defense, she'd been caught off guard.

They'd been dating for almost a year now, and Mew had been good to her. He’s everything a girl could ask for. Gentleman, handsome, sensible. In fact, Charlotte still thought that having Mew as her boyfriend was too good to be true.

She’d been surprised when Mew just dropped the bomb on her all of a sudden. His figure, kneeling in front of her, in the middle of BLS freedom park. He was holding out a ring, with his charming eyes flashing her with hope and expectation. His charming smile plastered on his face, and their fellow students, even the professors could see them.

She love Mew, at least that's what she believed. She was comfortable with him. She was happy when she's with him. So, she said yes. It was a compulsive answer, one she didn't thought through, but as she had said to herself over and over again, she’d been ambushed.

She said yes. And Mew had put a ring on her finger, a wide smile was seemed to ge glued on his handsome face. Mew hugged her tight, and kissed her sweetly, unbothered to the fact that there were people watching.

In her defense, she had no choice.

She couldn't just turn down Mew in front of their classmates and professors. Mew was one of the respectable students in their school. Apparently, Mew was considered a “legacy” in BLS, being a son of Atty. Marlia Suppassit, a well-known and one of the best defense attorney known in New York.

What would the others say to her when a nobody like her turned down the Mew Suppassit? She would probably filled with who does she think she is criticism until she graduate.

She love Mew, so, she shrugged. Their relationship would definitely end up in marriage anyway.

But she couldn't help the gnawing feeling of uncertainty inside her. It stirs her inside uncomfortably, as she continued to doubt her decision. A nagging feeling was stuck in her mind and whole being as she thought in through.

Then, a certain person had crossed her mind while she stares blankly at her dark ceiling.


What would she think if she hear the news? Would she be angry at me? But she knew that Engfa was already angry at her.

A conflicting feeling had continued to eat her up, causing her to just toss and turn in her bed, unable to sleep at all. She was restless as her mind continued to exhaust her from overthinking everything. Did she made the right choice? Did she really want to get married now?

She longs to have answers for her questions, and she badly needed a confidant she could vent to. One who won't judge her for what she's about to say. One who would listen to her unconditionally. She sat up abruptly, reaching for her phone on her bedside table. She knew it was impossible for her mother to be up this time of the night, so she just sent her a quick message.

When she woke up the next morning, feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep, the first thing she did right after she opened her tired eyes was to check her phone. Her eyes landed on the notification flashed on her lock screen, her fingers immediately clicked it to read the text.

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