Vol 2: Do What you Believe is Right

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Time felt like it couldn't go faster for Kai and Class D.

It was just one day until the meeting between Sudou and Class C. With Horikita's cooperation and Sakura's testimony, as well as Kushida and Hirata's actions, their entire class felt spirited and courageous.

You could say that they were united. However, it was obvious that they lacked firm, irrefutable evidence, and it would still be difficult to prove Sudou's innocence.

Their deliberation would decide the outcome.

As Kai was walking out, he started to look down at the floor.

Kai: *Annoyed* Who the hell thought this uniform was a good idea...

While talking to no one in particular, Kai cursed at his usual dislike for heat.

He never thought about global warming more than when he exited a building with working air conditioning. Nor, who thought it was a good idea to have such uniform weather worn by students, in the middle of the heat.

However, he just shook it off.

Kai's Thoughts: Considering I'd likely suffer every day until August, I should keep a cool head.

As he said that, he walked the path to school lined with green, leafy trees.

However, as he arrived, he noticed something.

Something was different today. There was something on the bulletin board by the stairway's landing, a little in front of the shoe cubbies.

A paper on the board said that they were looking for students with information related to Sudou and Class C.

Seeing that, his eyes widened for a bit.

Kai: This—

Clearly, somebody was trying to help. It was sincerely appreciated, because Class D hadn't even considered taking such measures themselves. This mystery person was action-oriented. Furthermore, while the sign itself might have appeared a weak effort, the author also wrote that they'd be willing to give points to helpful informants.

In that case, even apathetic students would pay attention.

As he scanned the message, he was quite impressed...

And out of nowhere, someone called out to him.

???: Good morning, Kayaba-kun!

At the sudden voice, Kai turned to side, where he spotted Class B's Ichinose Honami arriving and waving at him.

She must have just arrived. Seeing her, it didn't take a lot to find out who could be responsible for this.

Kai: *Nods* Good morning, Ichinose. By any chance, were you the one that posted...*Pointing at the bulletin Board* This...?

At the remark,  Ichinose joined me in looking at the board. She appeared deeply interested.

Instead of answering, Ichinose merely nodded to herself.

Ichinose: Hmm. I see, I see. So there's this method, too. *Smiles* Joohee's method on the student forums isn't the only one, huh...

At the sudden remark, Kai looked at her confused.

Kai: Huh? This wasn't you? And what do you mean about Lee-San and the student Forums?

The student forums were online places, were student could place request, ask questions or just interact over all.

A good place for asking information. Yet, there was a problem. If Lee Joohee was using the school forums to transmit the message, who was the one behind this strategy.

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