Do Your Worst

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- So, what can you do? - Colt brought his two apprentices to the dining aisle, where he made them both sit down while he peeled each an orange.

- I'm good at hiding. - Nash spoke up after a minute of silence, unsure if that was good enough.

- Ok, we can work with that. - Colt reassured him before moving his gaze to Jolene. - And you?

- Uhm... shouldn't we do this separately? I mean, in the end it's not good for us to know each other's strategies, right? - Jolene suggested, and she had a point, but the nerves in her voice told Colt there was more she wasn't sharing.

- Well, sure, but we're not talking strategies yet. First, I just want to get to know you guys. Besides, there are parts that you'll both need to learn. The "marketing part", let's say it like that. - Colt explained as he rolled one orange to each of them over the table. - Unless you really don't want Nash here to know what you're good at, girl. - He teased, picking up an orange for himself now.

- I... I got nothing, ok? - The admission came out in a big sigh. - I can't fight or hunt. I'm not a fast runner, I don't know how to swim or use a weapon. I have no idea how to look for water or set up a tent. And I'm not even particularly good at hiding. I mean, I grew up at a farm town. I'm hopeless to that kind of stuff. - Five minutes ago, Jolene decided that she would at least try to make it in the games, but with caring about her own survival came a worry she couldn't avoid: the fact she didn't have what it takes to win.

- What are you talking about, girl? "I grew up in a farm town"? So did I! You're not special. Three people from District 10 have won already, or did you forget? - If there was one thing Colt couldn't stand was when people played the victim on him, even if they really were one. He had been one too, perhaps he still was, but he refused to act like one. Otherwise, people would treat him like one again, and there was no feeling worse than that. - Alright, I'm gonna tell you two something right now. I want you to listen to me very carefully, ok? C'mon - He crouched over the table, gesturing for the two to do the same before speaking in a low voice. - Everybody out there wants you to believe that, for people like us, the games are hopeless. They want you to think there's no way out, to go in knowing that you're gonna lose, that there's no way you could ever beat the careers. Guess what? That's bullshit! Otherwise, I wouldn't be here, would I? - He gestured towards himself, gradually forgetting to whisper as he got more agitated. - I'm gonna be honest with you. One, two and four? Yes, they have advantages, and there's no way you could ever learn in a week what they've been training their entire life. But those are not the only ways to win. There's many things that define who's gonna come out of that arena and I'll be damned if I don't show you every one of them. - He lightly punched the mahogany table, then took his unpeeled orange and bit it, the juices of the fruit spurting all over his shirt.

- Uhm, what are these things? - Nash asked with uncertainty in his voice, watching the man chew loudly.

- Glad you asked, Nash. This is what I called the marketing part. - He said with his mouth still full. - You see, if you really stop to think about it, The Hunger Games are nothing more than a reality show. A sick and twisted one? Yes, but still. And who wins reality shows? The popular participants.

- So, that's all there is to it? We have to become popular? - Jolene asked, confusion taking over her features. It sounded silly to her, given they were about to fight to the death.

- Well, that's oversimplifing things, Jolene. No, you can't go into the games thinking that being everyone's sweetheart is gonna save your life. In fact, it's likely to put a target on your back. - Colt said, increasing the girl's doubts even more. - It can, however, help you out a great deal. You just said you have no idea how to find water, didn't you? Well, if you're likeable enough, sponsors will send it to you. Problem solved! So yes, becoming popular can save your life when you're in there, but no, it won't do all the work for you. That's when strategies come in, but that part where gonna do separately, so you can leave now. - He waved her off.

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