Chapter 43: Out of Time

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"I saw the end 'fore it begun. Still, I carried, I carried, I carried on."

- Duncan Laurence

Amelia's POV

Amelia and Sebastian left the island as soon as daylight broke.

She was more than ready to step into the maze, only giving a passing wave to Wakka on the way out of the tavern.

She was briefly stopped by Selphie who didn't appear too happy about not seeing her at the bar last night, but once she saw Sebastian standing behind her, Selphie's lip tugged at a smirk and her eyes flickered with a spark of understanding.

Amelia was still a bit exasperated about the situation Sebastian put her in the night prior.

After promising Selphie she'd be back to share a drink with her soon, Amelia and Sebastian Apparated at the front entrance of Sallow Manor.

The sudden cold weather was expected, but still unwelcoming after basking in such a hot climate just a few seconds ago.

They both transfigured their clothes upon landing, Sebastian wearing a black coat and trousers to match, with a grey sweater underneath and a Slytherin scarf donning his neck.

Amelia was dressed in a beige coat and trousers, complemented by an orange scarf and a striped green sweater.

So many layers, yet the chilly air still penetrated every one.

When Amelia turned to Sebastian, his face was drained of all color as he stared ahead towards the Manor. You could hardly see his sun-kissed cheeks and nose. Whether from coming back to the scene of his nightmares or Apparating all the way here from Destiny Island, she wasn't quite sure.

She slipped her hand in his, and when he turned to her, she could see the color slowly returning and the corner of his lips curling up.

"We don't have to go inside," she reassured him with a hand squeeze, "We're only here for the locket."

"I know," he responds, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb, "But I want to."

She arches her eyebrows in surprise. "Are you sure?"

He confidently nods, the spark in his eyes reassuring her that he truly wanted to. "I'll be fine if you're with me. I want to show you where I grew up."

The fact that he would step into the same place where he lost his parents, as a child no less, to show her his childhood home made a smile bloom on her face. She was more than eager to see pictures of Sebastian as a freckled baby.

She only wished she could show hers.

"Alright, but if there's any point you need to step out, we can," she reassured him.

"With you, I doubt I'll need to," he responds, a smile brightening his features as he lead her through the grating metal gate to the front door.

He released her hand to retrieve his wand from his pocket and cast Alohamora on the lock, opening the door and gesturing with his hand for her to step inside.

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