Chapter 50: Home ✧

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And I watched the water unfold
It's a feeling I want you to know
'Cause I'm not the same as I was
As I shoulder the weight of the world
Porter Robinson & Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs

WARNING: This chapter contains sexually explicit content.

Chapter 50: Home

Amelia's POV

Amelia blinked her eyes open, and the first thing she noticed was the world around her bathed in a warm, orange glow from an early morning sunrise.

She felt disoriented for a few moments, as though the line between dreams and reality blurred. When did she fall asleep? How long had she been out for? And more importantly, where was she?

The air was cool and chilly against her cheeks, but the soft, red blanket enveloping her kept her warm. Her body felt like it was being weighed down, yet it was comforting.

She didn't feel any pain, and it didn't feel like she was drowning whenever she drew in a breath. For a second, she questioned if she was dead.

She tilted her head slightly and her heavy eyes focused enough to take in her surroundings. Soft, golden light spilled through the window, dust particles dancing in the air. The walls were a chocolate brown, adorned with pictures, though Amelia couldn't decipher any of the people in them. Across from her bed stood a dormant fireplace, faint swirls of smoke trailing up the chimney.

On the nightstand to her left were both of Sebastian's wands and the locket.

A creaking noise reached her ears from her right, and she whipped her head to see what it was. A bit too fast, if she might add. She was still slightly disoriented, but she was hoping it was the brown-haired freckled Slytherin who saved her life. Who she saved.

Her breath caught in her throat and tears sprung in her eyes when her suspicions were right.

Sebastian's sleeping form, his alive form, was slumped in a chair next to her, with his arms lazily crossed and his legs spread. His head was lolled to the side, and dark eye circles hinted at sleepless nights. Tousled brown waves hung low over his forehead, evidence of running his hands through them.

His black trousers were a bit wrinkled and the sleeves of his beige sweater were rolled up to his elbows, Azkaban numbers carved into his wrist that made Amelia's chest clench. She watched as his chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. Each breath he took through his soft, slightly parted lips was like another tug at her heart in the best way possible.

Sebastian was really here.

When Amelia pivoted her body to face him, causing the bed beneath her to groan, his eyes blew open and his head bolted upright, his gaze immediately finding hers.

They both froze, and she could see disbelief flaring in his soft brown eyes that were quickly welling with unshed tears. The same disbelief that was coursing through her.

It seemed like a minute, maybe two had passed as they just stared at each other, a firestorm of emotions sweeping through both of them.

Until finally, Amelia threw the covers off of her to lunge herself towards him at the same time he sprung out of his chair to meet her in the middle in a tangle of limbs.

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