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(Shorter chapter)

(Third person)

Courtney wakes up with an expected headache after a night of drinking. She also wakes up to a sick Angelina.

"Take these" she hands Courtney a bottle of pills as well as a water bottle. "I'm gonna go see if Dylan ordered food , I swear if he didn't" Angelina gets up slowly and walks out , leaving Courtney there as she takes the two pills.

She looks to her left and grabs her phone before seeing 3 notifications from the contact the reads "Giovanni ♡". She still never changed it. Her eyes widened. Did she text him last night? Did she call him? Did they talk? She can't fuckin remember. She opens them and sees what she said until looking down to read what he sent not long after her messages were sent.

"Courtney , you don't know how badly I miss you and how much I been waiting for you to reach out to me. You don't have to reply just hear me out please"
"First of all I'm so sorry , I never meant for it to be like that I promise. Yes at first I was just doing what I always do but I grew real feelings for you Courtney , you're different. I know that you're different shit is old but it's true. I never meant to hurt you. Once I got to really know you and spend so much time with you I have fallen for you hard. I miss so much , it's killing me. I've literally have never felt this way for someone. And yes I know I was married but that doesn't even compare to what I feel for you. I don't know what is but I love it , I just wanna be around you again , I miss you here at work. I can't get shit done , I can't stop thinking about you Courtney.
"Im so sorry for hurting you"

As Courtney reads she realizes tears have filled her eyes. She quickly wipes them away and turns her phone off. She's even more confused on what to do now. The text , they seem genuine but she doesn't know what to believe with him. It's Saturday meaning she has work in 2 days. She has to figure this out soon real soon.


I keep checking my phone to see if Courtney has texted me back. Last night she texted me and I was shocked.

(Flashback from last night)

I'm currently sitting around a table with a couple friend and co workers just chatting and drinking a bit. Nothing too crazy. It's Friday night so I thought why not. Get my mind of some things for a night well so I thought.

That was until my phone went off back to back and see her name pop up. I shoot out of my chair with my phone in my hand "everything alright man?" Someone ask me and I just nod as I slowly walk into the next room

She says to explain things but she probably text back. I was expecting this at all especially not right now. Let me not waste time and tell her what I been wanting to say all week.

(End of flashback)

So that's what I did. I told her everything I needed to tell her. Now I'm just hoping she reads it and decides to talk to me. It's still pretty early so she could still be sleeping who knows. I just know I'm gonna be anxious all day and constantly checking my phone for her name.

(Courtney) (5pm)

I'm showing Angelina the messages between me and Giovanni. Mainly basically what he said to me. She hands me the phone and looks at me

"Sooooo what do you think?"

"I think ..... he's telling the truth"


"Do you not want that?" She ask

"Well I'm just worried you know?"

"No I get it , but I do really think he's being truthful" she nods "he had me talk to you , had Kim email you , been blowing you up all week and now sends this paragraph" she says

"So what do I do?"

"Maybe just wait till Monday and go in to talk to him at the building , face to face"

"Yeah yeah that's sounds good , which gives me time to think about what I'm gonna say" I nod "should I text him back?"

"No , keep him guessing and let him see you Monday. He'll be surprised lol"

As I lay in my bed watching Friends and it's around 12am I hear my phone go off.

I pick it up and his name pops up in messages. I slowly click on it and read it

"I love you , call me crazy I don't care. I love you Courtney , I really fuckin do"

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