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(Monday) (Giovanni) (8am)

I walk into the building and straight over to Kim

"Good Morning Mr.Ford"

"Good morning Kim , umm have you heard from Ms.Rhodes? Is she here?"

"No I have not and she is not here"

Is she gonna come back? Is she still on 'Vacation'? Is she still avoiding me?

"Did she call off or is she still on vacation?"

"She only requested last week off so she should be here today but I haven't received any email of call off today"

"Just let me know if you get anything from her"

"Will do Mr.Ford"

(Courtney) (10am)

I walk into the building which I haven't been to in a week. I see Kim looking down at something so I walk over to her desk

"Good Morning Kim"

She looks up with big eyes "oh Ms.Rhodes hi! How are you" she stands up and reaches over to hug me

"I'm good , how are you?"

"I'm pretty good , how was your vacation? Where did you go?" She ask me

"Ummm it was good , I went to ...... California to visit a cousin" I totally just lied

"Oh sounds wonderful" she says "so glad you're back! I know Mr.Ford will be too. He's been asking about you non stop" she laughs a bit.

"Is he here?" I ask

"Yes he's in his office"

"Okay thank you , I'll see you later"

(Third person)

As Courtney stands in the elevator her nerves start racing and her heart starts beating out her chest. Her palms are growing sweaty and she cant stop fidgeting with her fingers. As the elevator door opens and she steps out she starts rethinking things. Is she really botta just walk in there? It's now or never she guesses.

She reaches his door , does she knock or just walk in? Something she didn't think about but is thinking about. Fuck it right? Yeah fuck it.

She just turns the door knob and walks straight in. He slowly looks up from his paper. As they make eye contact his eyes open up big and he stands up from his chair. "Courtney"

She walks in and closes the door behind her. The eye contact breaks as she looks down at her feet. His footsteps fill her ears as she see him walk up to her. Before he can get any closer she places her hand on his chest which stops him in his tracks.

The eye contact becomes a thing again as she looks up. "I seen your texts" she speaks first.

It's taking a lot for Giovanni not to just grab and kiss her but that wouldn't make things any better right now but god does he miss kissing her.

"Why? Why do you that shit to people? You know that's so fucked up!"

"I know that now. Before I didn't care but I do now. I mainly care about you , I hate what I did but I can't go back but I can make the future right" he says to her

"How am I supposed to believe you aren't just saying this and that I'm really not just another assistant to fuck"

He steps closer to her now at the point where he's hovering over her and she just looks at her feet.
"You have made me feel a way I've never felt before I can't even explain it , but I know I adore it and I adore you"

The Assistant's Dilemma Where stories live. Discover now