the train

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As dilly walked along the compartments, she came to the conclusion that most of them were full.

Mum was right about coming sooner.

As she reached the end of the available compartments, she saw one with only 4 or 5 people in it. Perfect.

Daffodil opened the door and stepped inside.

"What you don't understand is that -" the blond boy sitting in the compartment stopped himself and stared at her.

The other boys soon caught on and stared at her as well. Maybe pick a different compartment.


"First years go on the boats," a boy with curly dark hair said to her.

"I'm not a first year," Daffodil said, sounding almost offended.

The train began to move, forcing her to sit down. It was too late to switch spots now.

"How come I've never seen you?" The blond haired boy asked her.

"I've come from america," dilly answered.

"America?" This time, it was a boy with dark skin.

"You do not sound american," a different guy, a very heavy accent.

"You don't sound American ether." She spoke directly to the boy with the thick accent.


Daffodil knodded. He did indeed sound Italian.

For a while, everyone was silent. Her compartment roommates stareing at each other as if waiting for the other to say something. However, one of them stared at her, his eyes looking into her soul. The train rocked slightly. It didn't seem to bother anyone, but dilly.

Eventually, someone spoke up. It was the blondie.
"Are you american?" He asked her.

"No. I moved to America about 3 years ago, and now I've moved back."

Blondie raised his eyebrows as if waiting for more.

"My father's job."

He knodded.

Silence threatened again, but blondie was quick.

"Names draco, draco malfoy. I'm sure you've heard of me, " he said quite cockily.

Daffodil indeed had but didn't want to infame what she detectected as an ego.

"Actually, no, I haven't." She responded as genuinely as possible.

Draco seemed quite offended by her statement.

The dark skined boy chuckled.

"I'm blaise. Same year as him.".

"Fifth year" draco filled in.

"I'm daffodil, daffodil villums," dilly stuck out her hand for a handshake.

Draco looked at it for a moment before he shook it. Blaise, however, wasn't so skeptical.

"Is your father by any chance, henry villums?" The curly haired boy asked her.

How he knew her father, she had idea. She found it slightly weird that he did, but who knows, maybe father had been in the news or something like that.

He most likely knoticed the slightly suspicious look she gave him and filled in.

"I'm Matteo Riddle." He pointed at the Italian.
"This is teddy."

Teddy smacked the back of matteos head. "Ti avevo detto di non chiamarmi così, stronzo!"

 Daffodil Flower FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now