Mum/dinning hall

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"Wake up," someone shook dilly. "Common, the Griffendor's have empty stomachs, and bacon is the first to go."

Daffodil opened her eyes slightly. However, her brain still couldn't register who was speaking to her.

"Common daf."


Dilly groaned as she hit the hardwood floor much harder than she expected. "Ow."

"Sorry," it was Marie.

Dilly slowly awoke despite wanting to curl up in her bed again. incredibly fluffy.

"Daf!" Marie grunted.

Daffodil waved her off. Five more minutes couldn't hurt. What did she care about bacon?

Dilly nose dived her pillow, ready to fall back into a deep sleep.

Marie groaned "whatever daf, I'll save you a seat next to emmie at breakfast. Hurry up and get dressed."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dilly thought to herself. Sleep was most important. At least 8 hours, or in daffodil's case, 12.

The door slammed upon closing, causing Dilly to jump. The sudden sound awoke daffodil, focusing her senses. No more sleep for her.

As dilly changed into her hufflepuff school robes an owl perched her window. As her brain came more alive, she realized it was none other than truffles.

Dilly walked across the room to the window, giving truffles a pet.

"Hi, sweet boy," she cooed to him as she took the letter he was holding.


Dear daffodil,

I first want to start this letter off by telling you how proud I am of you and will continue to be. I would have loved you despite whatever house you got... But let's be honest, I'm so glad you're not a Griffendor. Everything I hear about them is that they're loud and abnoxus. It's all your father talks about. "Griffendor is bad this. Griffendor is stinky that Griffendor is stupid bla bla bla". Personally, I don't really care, but for my own peace of mind, I'm glad I don't have to endure a rant about how you got into Griffendor from your father. He still seems a bit upset you aren't in slitherin, but he'll get over it. I sent you this letter via truffles on purpose. I want you to keep him (inless of course you need to send a letter). If you need anything from home,  just owl me. Again,  I'm very proud of you, and I'm sure your father will be too.

Remember to make good friends, love you.



At the bottom of the letter was a red lipstick kiss.

Dilly knew her mum wouldn't care what house she got, unlike her father for many reasons.

1. She hadn't gone to hogwarts, so the houses were irrelevant to her.

2. She believes there is good in everyone and doesn't judge, so it didn't matter to her what house because your house isn't you.

Her mother would be easy, her dad? Not so much. Sometime in the next week, her father would send her an owl voicing his very clear distaste.

Dillys stomach growled, reminding her of the food she had yet to eat.

The words spoken earlier made an appearance in her mind: "The Griffendor's have empty stomachs, and the bacon is the first to go."

Quickly, she put on her school robes and walked upstairs to the dining hall.

"Ah, there she is." she felt someone grab her shoulder gently. "I was just going to look for you; thought you got lost."

Emmie led dilly to a spot next to Marie and hanna-grace, encouraging her to sit.

"So then he kissed -" Hanna-grace stopped when dilly sat down.

"If you want bacon, it's gone." Marie said to her.

Why was that the first thing she said to dilly? No "hi", "good morning", "how did you sleep?".

"Ok" dilly said back as she waited for her empty plate to appear with food like it did the night before.

She sat there staring at an empty plate for about 10 minutes before hanna-grace helped her.

"Darling, you're supposed to tap the plate using your wand. That way, the elves know from the kitchen to send you food." Hanna-grace tapped her wand gently onto the plate.
A buttery Biscuit, scrambled eggs, three sausage links, and a hash brown appeared on her plate instantaneously. Along with some type of red juice in her cup.

She began eating. First, the sausage links, then a sip of juice (which turned out to be cherry juice), then the biscuit, another swig of juice, then the eggs and hash brown.

It was good, but after being spoiled with whatever happened the night before, it felt plain.

"You know daffodil, you're pretty cool," emmie said, finishing up the last of her eggs.

Hanna-grace knodded agreeing with emmie.

"You wanna hang out later today?" Classes don't start till next week, so do you wanna go to hogsmede with us?"

Hogsmead? What the hell is hogsmead? Dilly, though, to herself, although of course she didn't say that. Emmie must have senced her confusion because she filled in. "It's really cool. You can buy everything from pets to food to wands there. Plus, you can meet one of our other friends, "

Another friend?

"She's from another house. That's why you haven't met her yet, but I just know you too will get along swell" hanna-grace jumped in.

"She's cool."  Even Marie seemed to like her.

What's to lose? If they all swore that this girl was good, she was. Even if she had only known emmie for 24 hours, she trusted her opinions on people.

"Why not? Sure"


Only 936 words. Sorry, this chapter was short. But to make up for it, here is dilly's breakfast.

 But to make up for it, here is dilly's breakfast

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