dinning hall

10 1 2

The sorting went quickly. Many excited first years ran down to join their tables paired with the occasional disappointed one moping down to their house table. Before she knew it, dinner was served

A salad with some kind of pink dressing, walnuts, avocado, and pomegranate as served first. The next apitister was beautiful and colorful. The other students must have thought the same as their wide eyes and drooling mouths gave them away."

Don't get used to it," one of the older kids said to the first years. "They only go all out like this for the first dinner."

A couple of older kids around her agreed but with reassurance that it was still tasty, just not a five course meal.

Followed by the salad was a sweet green soup garnished with white creme foam and carrot cake. Then came the main course. Roasted potatoes, meat, and carrots. All in a bowl smothered in about a cup of brown gravy.

This is around the time daffodil got bored of being silent and started talking to people around her.

She waved at the girl across from her.

The girl waved back.

"I'm daffodil,"

"I'm Emma. I mostly go by emmie, though. "

Emmie had dark chocolate curly hair and tan skin. something about her complete coherency made her stand out. Every part of her was a shade of brown, her eyes, her skin, her hair. A certain sweetness was bestowed on her. She was trustworthy, dilly knew in her heart.

"What year are you?" Daffodil asked.

"Fourth year" emmie dug stared a roasted potato with her fork and put it in her mouth. "You?"

Dilly, too, ate a potato. She put three fingers up instead of speaking.

For a minute, it was silent between the two girls as they ate.

"You seem nice. I'd bet you'd get along with my friends, " emmie said. "Gotta have friends here, or you get lonely.".

Dilly indeed needed friends.

"Is it bad here?" Dilly asked.

Emmie's eyes widened. "No, no, no. Don't get the wrong idea it's wonderful here, really. It's just -" She took another bite, this time carrot. Emmie covered her mouth. "It's just this is a big school, and it can feel a bit lonely when you don't have people to hang out with, you know?"

Dilly knew. Her old school had been half as small as this one, yet twice as many kids. It had been bad her first year trying to make friends. Her accent helped that. But in the second year, she found her group, and it was smooth sailing. She had left her friends to go here and found herself in the same predicament as 1st year.

"So anyways," emmie pointed at two girls next to her. One of them was the girl who commented about the food. "This is Hannah-grace."

Hannah-grace looked up at the mention of her name. "Ello."

Emmie continued, "And that's Marie. She's a bit more straightforward. She's a real sweety when you get her loyalty."

Dilly knodded as both girls turned their attention back to others.

"Are you all fourth years?" Daffodil asked.

 Daffodil Flower FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now