hogwarts carriges

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The first thing she saw when she stepped off the train station was hogwarts. Somehow, bigger than she imagined. it loomed over her with towers that touched the heavens and forests that would make Yellowstone look like a backyard.

Following the other students, she found carriges parked motionless. Why would they leave junk like this in the middle of the road. Littering.

However, to dilly's suprize, the other students began getting into the carriages. Perhaps the horses would arrive soon to take us to the castle.

"Arn't they pretty?" Dilly turned around to see a girl with white hair and pale skin staring intently at the front of a carrige.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

The girl shook her head and looked back at the carrige.

"What are you looking at?" Daffodil asked.

The pale girl looked at dilly and smiled.

"Can't you see them?"

Dilly shook her head. What was there to see?

"Their called thestrals. Beautiful little fillys, they are. People call them scary, but that's just rude. How could someone find this darling scary? Gentle as can be."

Dilly knodded as if she knew even a bit of what the girl was saying.

"Do you know what car we go to?" Daffodil asked, trying not to sound too eager to stop the conversation. The girl seemed sweet, but you could never be too careful around loose screws.

"Go on whatever cart you like."

Daffodil hesitated for a moment, looking at all the different carts.

"You dont have a cart? That's alright. There's space with me." The pale girl grabbed dilly's hand, leading her toward one of the empty cabins in the front. "I'm Luna lovegood".

"I'm daffodil."

Luna smiled. "What a pretty name."

Once entering the carrige, Dilly put down her stuff. She hadn't realized just how heavy it was until she did. Noticeably, her back felt the best.

"I told you there aren't any more carriges." Someone dilly didn't know said close by. It sounded like a boy.

"This one's free," another voice responded. Also, male.

Daffodil soon found one of the owners of the voices when a boy popped his head over the floor. A boy with round glasses and dark, almost black hair.

"Never mind, Ron. It isn't free."

Another voice, this time female. "It's a thirty minute ride. We don't have to be best friends. Get up there before I make you. "

The dark-haired boy popped his head up again. This time climbing up, before knodding to Luna and sitting down. Then came a scraggly looking redhead who was in desperate need of a brush. He knodded to dilly and sat next to his friend. The last were two girls. Another redhead that was slightly shorter than the others and a girl with curly brown hair.

After all bits and bobbles had been put securely away, the girl stuck out her hand. Dilly shook for the 100th time today.

"I'm Hermione." She pointed to the ginger and his friend."This is Ron and Harry."

"I'm ginny." The red head said.


Ginny knodded, turning to Hermione just as the carrige jolted into movement.

"Your luna?".

When Luna smiled in response, ginny struck up a conversation. Dilly picked out bits and pieces of it. The occasional mention of names and whatnot. But most of it was lost to her.

Instead of spending brain power for conversation, she spent the trip there pondering about how the carriges were moving and the emence Forrest around her.

Luna tapped her on the shoulder when they stopped. "It's time to get off. Leave your bags on, and they'll bring them to your room. It was lovely meeting you."

Dilly kept her head down from the glaring sun as she got off the carrige. She continued to do so until she reached the castle entrance.

Looking at the first thing she saw was the architecture. It was big like the train station but oh, so much more grand. Pillars carved from might have been marble or stone going up to the ceiling. A hall the size of a football field. A ceiling that reminded of the night sky even though it was mid-day. Four long tables in which she could only assume students ate. Everything utterly breathtaking.


Was this too fast?

The whole chapter only has 713 words. Crazy huh?

 Daffodil Flower FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now