the sorting

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As she looked at the hallway, her practically spun off her shoulders. Hogwarts looked like an old Catholic church, so mighty and tall.

"Go away, malfoy," she heard Harry say somewhere in the crowd ahead of her.

In the back of her head, dilly could hear her mother scolding her, "nosy Nellie's get their noses snipped." Despite this, she was curious, and by God, she wanted to know what was going on.

Off to the side, draco and blaise stood across from Harry, ron, and Hermione. Apparently, they were friends

"At least I have parents," draco said to Harry.

Nope, not friends.

"At least my parents were still married," Harry countered.

Not friends at all.

"My parents are still married."

It became very clear to daffodil that only Harry and Draco bickered like this. Hermione, Ron, and blaise just kind of stood there.

A loud bell was rung, causing giant doors to open, and many students rushed in. The two were still arguing so loud they didn't hear.

"That's a full ton of dragon dung, you foul weathered-"

"Bell's rung, if that means anything to you," dilly interuped draco.

Blaise knodded and walked away, leaving draco with the other three.

"This isn't the end of this conversation, you know!" Draco sneered as he walked away, dragging dilly with him.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she was pulled backward.

Malfoy looked confused as to her question.

"I'm getting you away from the rubbish. Doing you a favor. You're too new to know about them, so I'm saving your reputation for you. ". He answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, and he was doing a charitable deed.

"They're quite nice actually, I went on the carrige with them"

Draco looked at her in as if she had suddenly vomited on him.

"Fine, enjoy your disgraced friends. See you around. " draco turned and walked away, leaving dilly wondering why he had gotten so defensive.

Daffodil felt people pushing past her as she walked toward the crowd. She wondered what could be so exciting.

Unfortunately, before she could dream of entering someone's cold, bony hands grabbed her shoulders. Dilly looked behind her only to see an old, frail looking woman with dark grey hair.

"Did I startle you, dear?" The woman asked.

"No, mam," dilly responded.

The woman reminded her of her grandmother. The way her hands griped dilly firmly but not painfully.

"Daffodil villums?".

Dilly knodded.

"I hate to rush you, but the first years are waiting, and I need to get you shorted." The old woman said, pulling dilly to the sit and motioning for her to sit down.

As daffodil sat down the woman placed a dusty hat on her head.  It looked unsanitary. Possibly giving a home to thousands of lice.  Dilly hoped not.

"Excuse me, mam?" Dilly asked

The woman smiled at dilly before grabbing the hat and aggressively smacking it, causing dust particles to go everywhere "my name is McGonagall, dear" she said before   spinning the hat around like a wet t-shirt.

"Stupid hat. Wake up".

A loud cough came from what appeared to be the hat.

"Be careful woman! I'm too old for that. Got seams spitting everywhere."

Did the hat speak? Surely not.

McGonagall rolled her eyes at the hat. Dusting it off gently.

"Oh goody we can get a new one. We both know your fine. Now shut up-". The hat was placed very forceably onto dillys head "and do your job. It's the only thing your good at".

The hat huffed unhappily "fine" Then it was silent for a moment.

"Your family is enough to make you a slitherin. But your not them, are you? You remind me of your mum." It paused for a moment before loudly announcing "better be hufflepuff".

Hufflepuff? Mum wouldn't care, but dad wanted her to be slitherin. His side of the family was very keen on it.

The hat was swiftly taken off her head and she was assured off to one of the hufflepuff students to show her their table. Almost as soon as she sat down she found McGonagall over with what appeared to be first years.


Only 726 words. I hope this chapter didn't suck. I will post a longer chapter next time.

Don't worry the slitherins will be back soon enough.

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