𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Returning home after the first day, he sank onto his satin bed sheets, unable to shake thoughts of her. It felt as though he was under a spell, utterly captivated by her presence. No matter how hard he tried, she lingered in his mind. He sighed wearily, completely drained by the day's events. Yet, his thoughts kept circling back to her and their encounter from that morning.

That morning

"I'm Eun-hae," she said.

Both of them maintained their eye contact, silently gazing at each other, completely absorbed in their thoughts about one another. Their moment was abruptly interrupted by a voice—Jay's voice.

"Heeseung? Hello? Earth to Heeseung?" Jay said, waving his hand in front of Heeseung's face. The gesture snapped both Heeseung and Eun-hae back to reality, causing them to break their gaze. Their hearts still pounded from the intensity of the moment they had just shared.

"Yeah, I'm here," Heeseung replied, his voice still distant.

"We should get to class," Jay said, giving Heeseung a look that clearly signaled, 'we'll talk about this later.' And so, the group dispersed to their respective classes. The four older boys headed off together, while the remaining three accompanied Eun-hae to her class.


Why am I acting like this? Heeseung let out a frustrated sigh, feeling troubled by his own behavior. Why was he acting this way? He had experience with girlfriends and flings before, so why was this girl constantly on his mind when he hadn't even spoken to her once? His overthinking thoughts were abruptly interrupted by an incoming call from his phone, displaying 'Appa'. He groaned inwardly, not in the mood for a lecture from his father, so he let it go to voicemail, hoping his father would give up and call back later. But his hopes were dashed when another call came in just seconds after the first one.

Reluctantly, Heeseung answered the phone. "Yes, Appa?"

"Heeseung-ah. What are you doing?" His father's voice was stern and devoid of any pleasantries.

"I'm in my room, probably going to do some homework," he replied, partially truthful since homework was on his agenda, just not at that moment.

"Why aren't you practicing?" Mr. Lee's tone was accusatory and stern.

"Because I already practiced this morning," Heeseung lied, his morning actually being later than usual due to oversleeping which is why he was late to meet his friends.

"That's not good enough. Do you realize how important this is for your future? You won't get a scholarship like this if you're lazing around in bed every day. I've provided you with everything, and this is how you repay me. You need to do better, Heeseung. With this attitude, you're not going to make it anywhere. Do you want the whole world to call you a failure?" His father's anger was familiar to Heeseung, though no less hurtful.

"No, Appa," Heeseung replied quietly, feeling the sting of his father's words.

"Good. Now get to practice." With that, his father hung up, leaving Heeseung feeling deflated. He let his phone slip from his hand onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, contemplating his life and uncertain future. After a moment, he shook off the negativity, changed quickly, and headed downstairs to shoot hoops. He called his friends over, knowing they would help take his mind off his troubles, at least for a little while. Some time later they arrived at Heeseung's house.

"Hey Heeseung," Sunghoon greeted him.

"Sup Sunghoon-ah," he replied in a cold tone unintentionally, his mood soured from earlier events.

"What, your dad again?" Jay chimed in.

"How'd you guess?" Heeseung playfully responded, attempting to lighten the mood.


Eun-hae had just finished her first day and was exhausted. She really needed some sleep, but first, she had to pick up Iseul from Kindergarten. As she arrived, she spotted Iseul waiting near the entrance, her eyes lighting up as she saw her sister.

"Unnie!" the sweet little Iseul exclaimed as she ran towards Eun-hae, who picked up her little sister.

"Hi, Seulie," she greeted her with affection. "How was your day?"

"It was amazing! I had such a great time and made so many friends. I really like this place," Iseul replied excitedly, oblivious to her sister's fatigue.

"That's great, Seulie," Eun-hae said, genuinely happy for her sister, though internally she felt weary about her own day.

"What about you, Unnie?"

"My day was pretty good too," Eun-hae said, suppressing a smile as she remembered the boy with the brown hair and captivating smile she met earlier.

"What are you smiling about, Unnie?" Iseul questioned, sensing her sister's distraction.

"Nothing, nothing, Iseul, don't worry," Eun-hae brushed it off, though her mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of the boy named Heeseung.


"What?" her older sister replied in a sing-song voice, still smiling as they continued walking home.


After, Eun-hae unlocked the apartment door, greeted by the smell of delicious food. Iseul slipped inside and ran up to her father, exclaiming, "Appa!"

"My little princess," her father said, lifting her up and planting a kiss on her forehead. "How was your day?"

"It was amazing, Appa! I love it here!" Iseul exclaimed happily.

"I'm glad you do, Iseul," her father replied warmly, then turned to Eun-hae, who had entered the kitchen area.

"How was your day, Eun-hae?"

"It was okay, Dad" She said feeling angry. Eun-hae hadn't expected her father to be home. The girl was angry at him for never being home. She had to handle everything and when he was home he acted like everything was perfect. She didn't stay longer and left to her room and laid down on her bed with a troubled sigh. A smile soon crept on her face as she once again remembered him from this morning. Heeseung. His name is Heeseung, the boy with the pretty eyes. 


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