𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Heeseung & Eun-hae

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Heeseung & Eun-hae

The morning light filtered through the curtains, gently stirring Heeseung from his sleep. He blinked his eyes open, feeling a dull ache in his head—a reminder of the late night and the laughter shared with Eun-hae. Glancing beside him, he saw her still asleep on the sofa, her hair slightly tousled, and a peaceful expression on her face.

Heeseung couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, finding her incredibly endearing in this quiet moment of vulnerability. The way she slept, her features softened by the morning light, stirred something deep within him. He felt a rush of admiration for her, not just for her outer beauty but for the person she was, the strength and kindness that she possessed.

As he watched her, Eun-hae stirred awake slowly, blinking against the morning light. Panic flashed across her face as she realized she wasn't in her own bed but on Heeseung's sofa. Memories of the night before flooded back – the closet, their closeness, and the impulsive decision to stay over without informing her father.

"Oh fuck," Eun-hae murmured under her breath, sitting up abruptly. "Appa is going to kill me." Her headache throbbed fiercely now, matching the growing anxiety in her chest. She looked around, trying to gather her thoughts amidst the guilt and worry about how her father would react.

Heeseung sat up as well, concern etched on his features as he watched her. "Eun-hae," he started softly, "are you okay?"

Eun-hae met his gaze, a mix of relief and embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "I... I'm sorry," she began, her voice faltering, "I didn't mean to stay over. I should have gone home last night, but... but I lost track of time." she started ranting, "I was just to exhausted I didn't realise I fell asleep."

Heeseung's expression softened with understanding, though he could sense her distress. "It's okay," he reassured her gently, "Don't worry about it. You were tired and you fell asleep, that's not your fault." he paused and then continued, "but your dad must be worried sick. Let me walk you home."

Eun-hae nodded gratefully, feeling a wave of relief that Heeseung was being so understanding. They walked in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Eun-hae couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at her, knowing that her father would be furious with her for disappearing without a word.

When they arrived at her doorstep, Eun-hae took a deep breath before turning to Heeseung. "Thank you," she said sincerely, "for everything... for letting me stay over and just last night. it was really amazing to just let loose and have fun for one night."

Heeseung smiled warmly at her, his admiration for her growing with each passing moment. "Anytime," he replied softly, "Take care. I'll text you later okay?"

With a nod, Eun-hae watched Heeseung walk away, his figure receding down the street. She turned to face the daunting task awaiting her inside her house. Her father was waiting for her in the living room, his expression a mix of relief and anger.

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