Chapter 1

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(Check the trailer above!)

"You know you are pretty crazy to go behind that scary blood sucking dude!" Penelope, my best friend was getting on my nerves. "I know what people say okay? But who are they to judge? It's not like they are saints. If Vlad was cruel it was because those people brutally killed his father, brother and his people not to mention he was held captive alongside his younger brother, Radu." I spat at her in such a rage I never had before. "You talk about him as if you had lived and interacted with him. Don't tell me our little Kat has a crush on a crazy monster who tortured people by piercing sticks through their bodies several centuries ago " I rolled my eyes at her unable to talk back.

No matter what I say Penelope would never let go of her opinion on Vlad the Impaler. She was still bombarding me with nonsense that I was not even paying attention to anymore. I was in my thoughts when suddenly my eyes fell on the lottery stall next to the restaurant we were in. I was able to take in the whole view of the stall because we were outside the restaurant. Neither was I so interested in money nor winning or lotteries itself but a certain golden ticket in the display gained my attention. It was about a vacation or a trip but what truly made my eyes go wide was the words "Dracula's Castle". Penelope's voice was still a distant buzz as my eyes fixed on that golden ticket. "Dracula's Castle," the words shimmered with a mystical allure, igniting a spark deep within me. This wasn't just any vacation; it was a chance to connect with the past, to step into Vlad's world and perhaps uncover the truths buried under layers of myth and horror.

"Kat, are you even listening to me?" Penelope's sharp tone brought me back to reality. "Sorry, Pen, but look at that," I pointed towards the lottery stall. "A trip to Dracula's Castle. Imagine actually being there, walking through the halls where he once walked. Maybe even understanding why he did what he did." Penelope followed my gaze, her eyes narrowing in skepticism. "You can't be serious. You want to win a trip to the middle of nowhere to chase after some medieval psychopath's ghost?"

I shrugged, my excitement undiminished. "It's not about chasing ghosts. It's about history. It's about understanding the man behind the legend. And besides, it's a free trip." Penelope sighed, shaking her head. "You're hopeless. But if it makes you happy, go ahead and buy a ticket. Just don't drag me along when you win." With a grin, I approached the stall, the vendor giving me a curious look as I purchased my ticket. I clutched it tightly, feeling a strange sense of destiny. What were the odds, really? But something in me believed this was meant to be.

Days turned into weeks, and I had almost forgotten about the lottery. University, friends, and the usual routines of life took over. Yet, in the back of my mind, the image of Dracula's Castle lingered like a whisper. Then, one evening, as I was lounging on the couch, my phone buzzed with a notification. My heart skipped a beat as I read the message: "Congratulations! You have won the grand prize – an exotic stay in Romania and a trip to Dracula's Castle!" I sat up, my pulse racing. This was it. The chance to explore the mysterious and infamous castle, to delve into Vlad's history and maybe even understand the enigmatic figure who had fascinated and repelled me in equal measure.

I couldn't wait to tell Penelope, even if she thought I was crazy. This was my adventure, my journey into the unknown. And something told me it was going to be more than just a vacation. It was going to be the experience of a lifetime. I rushed to Penelope's house, barely containing my excitement. She opened the door, eyebrows raised at my breathless state. "Pen, you won't believe it!" I thrust the phone under her nose. "I won! I'm going to Dracula's Castle!" Penelope stared at the screen, then back at me. "You're really going through with this, huh?" "Absolutely," I said, grinning. "This is my chance to uncover the truth about Vlad." She sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Fine. I am happy for you as long as you're happy. Just promise me you'll be careful. And call me every day, okay?" I hugged her tightly. "Deal. And who knows, maybe I'll bring back some awesome stories and souvenirs maybe?" 

As the departure date approached, my excitement grew. It became more easy for me to spend this time as I wished as I will be finishing Uni in a few weeks and this was it's last and longest vacation. I packed my bags, making sure to include my notebook and a camera, ready to document every moment. The flight to Romania was long but filled with anticipation. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. When I landed, a chill ran through me. The air was crisp, and the landscape rugged and wild. At the airport, a woman was waiting for me. She had a confident, welcoming presence. I was greeted by a guide holding a sign with my name. "Welcome to Romania," she said with a thick accent. "I am Elena, and I'll be your guide here in Romania and to the Dracula's Castle as well."

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