Chapter 9

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I felt a blush creep up my cheeks at his words, the sincerity in his eyes making my heart race. "Thank you, Vlad. That is so sweet of you."

We walked along the garden paths, the conversation flowing naturally. Vlad shared stories of the garden's history, pointing out plants and flowers with special significance. The intimacy of the evening was palpable, each moment filled with a growing sense of connection.

Eventually, we found ourselves at a secluded bench near a gently bubbling fountain. We sat down, the sound of the water adding to the peaceful ambiance.

"Do you remember the first time you realized you loved history?" Vlad asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

I nodded, smiling at the memory. "I was a child, maybe eight or nine years old. My parents took me to a museum, and I was fascinated by the ancient artifacts and the stories they told. From that moment on, I was hooked."

Vlad smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "It's amazing how certain moments can shape our lives. For me, it was my mother's stories. She used to tell me tales of our ancestors, their bravery and wisdom. Those stories gave me strength, even in the darkest times."

I leaned closer, feeling a profound sense of connection to him.

He reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, his touch gentle and intimate. "Thank you for listening, Katrina. Your presence has brought a light into my life that I haven't felt in a long time."

Vlad led me to the courtyard. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the sound of a nearby fountain added to the serene atmosphere. In the center of the courtyard was a large, open space with training dummies and weapons stands.

"Do you practice swordsmanship?" I asked, noticing the array of swords and training equipment.

Vlad nodded, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I do. It helps me stay focused and grounded. Would you like to see?"

"Absolutely," I replied, eager to witness his skills.

Vlad selected a finely crafted sword from the stand and moved to the center of the courtyard. He began with a series of fluid, graceful movements, his skill and precision evident in every strike and parry. It was like watching a dance, his body moving with a natural elegance that took my breath away.

He finished his demonstration with a final, powerful strike, then turned to me with a smile. "Would you like to try?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I'd love to."

Vlad handed me a lighter practice sword and guided me through a few basic moves. His hands on mine, his voice soft and encouraging, made the experience both exhilarating and intimate. With his guidance, I managed to mimic some of the simpler techniques, feeling a thrill with each successful movement.

"You're a natural," Vlad said, his eyes shining with approval.

I laughed, a bit breathless from the effort. "Only because I have an excellent teacher."

"Let's see how you handle a friendly duel," Vlad suggested, his tone playful.

"Bring it on," I replied, my competitive spirit ignited. I tied my hair into a ponytail that did not go unnoticed by the great Impaler.

We faced each other, swords at the ready. Vlad moved with a fluid grace, and I did my best to keep up, our swords clashing in a series of playful exchanges. As we dueled, I couldn't help but notice the way Vlad's eyes sparkled with excitement, his smile infectious.

At one point, I managed to surprise him with a clever move, and he laughed, genuinely impressed. "Very well done, Katrina."

We continued our playful duel, the night air filled with the sound of our laughter and the clash of steel. Suddenly, in a moment of spontaneous boldness, I feigned a high strike but quickly changed direction, aiming low. Vlad was ready for me, but instead of countering, he gently deflected my sword and stepped closer, closing the distance between us.

Before I could react, he had disarmed me, his sword at my side, and his free arm wrapped around my waist. Our faces were only inches apart, and I could feel his breath on my skin. He removed my messy bun making my hair cascade on to my shoulders. The intensity of the moment made my heart race.

"Yield?" he asked softly, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Never," I whispered, a smile playing on my lips.

With a mischievous grin, Vlad leaned in, and I felt a rush of excitement. His lips brushed against mine in a feather-light kiss, sending a shiver down my spine. The world seemed to stand still as we shared that brief, electrifying moment.

When he pulled back, his eyes were filled with warmth and affection. "I think we both won that round," he said, his voice soft and intimate.

I laughed, my heart swelling with emotion. "I think you're right."

We sat on a stone bench near the fountain, catching our breath and enjoying the peaceful night. Vlad's presence beside me was comforting, and I felt a profound sense of connection with him.

"Thank you, Vlad," I said softly. "For everything. Tonight has been incredible."

He looked at me, his expression tender. "The pleasure is all mine, Katrina. I never thought someone would relate to me in such a way."

As the night wore on, the cool air filled with the sounds of the night, Vlad and I walked slowly back to the castle. The soft glow of the moon bathed the courtyard in a gentle light, and the stars twinkled above us. We entered the castle, our footsteps echoing through the grand hallways.

Vlad turned to me, his eyes filled with a mixture of tenderness and affection. "It's late, Katrina. You should get some rest. Tomorrow, we can continue our exploration and research."

I nodded, feeling a pleasant exhaustion from the evening's excitement. "Okay, Vlad. You take some rest too."

He led me to my room he gave me specially . The door creaked open, revealing a cozy chamber with a large, comfortable bed and soft, inviting linens. The room was lit by the warm glow of a fireplace, creating a peaceful and intimate atmosphere.

As I stepped inside, Vlad lingered in the doorway, his presence a comforting reassurance. "If you need anything, my room is just down the hall," he said softly.

I turned to face him, feeling a rush of gratitude and affection. "Thank you, Vlad. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

He took a step closer, his eyes locked onto mine. "Katrina, you've brought something into my life that I thought I had lost forever. Your kindness, your courage, and your belief in me mean more than I can express."

Before I could respond, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder, his touch warm and comforting. He leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead, his lips sending a shiver of warmth through me.

"Goodnight, Katrina," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. "Sleep well."

"Goodnight, Vlad," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

I attached my cover of SWAY! Don't forget to sway hehehe. Also check my Book HEALING THE TYRANT!

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