Chapter 7

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Vlad's eyes were admiring my features. I could not help but do the same. "You're so beautiful Katrina." In a matter of seconds his long fingers tugged a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. I was all smiling at him, when I saw his eyes turning red for a moment. "Vlad, your eyes? They are red. What's happening?" 

 Vlad quickly averted his gaze, a look of concern crossing his face. He took a step back, as if to distance himself from me. "I... I'm sorry, Katrina. Sometimes the curse manifests in ways I can't control."

I reached out and gently touched his arm, trying to reassure him. "It's okay, Vlad. I'm not afraid of you. Just tell me what's happening. Are you feeling any pain?"

He took a deep breath, steadying himself before meeting my gaze again. "No not painful at all. The curse that grants me immortality also binds me to certain... dark urges. When my emotions run high, like now, my eyes can reveal the demon within me."

I could see the pain and guilt in his eyes, the struggle to maintain his humanity against the darkness that threatened to consume him. "Vlad, you don't have to fight this alone. We're in this together, remember?"

Curiosity piqued, I asked, "What are these emotions you're referring to, Vlad?"

He hesitated, his gaze dropping to the floor as if debating whether or not to answer. Finally, he looked up, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. "Attraction, desire," he admitted quietly. "Feelings I haven't allowed myself to experience in centuries. Being around you, Katrina, brings them to the surface in ways I didn't expect."

A blush crept up my cheeks at his confession, but I couldn't deny the attraction I felt for him as well. "Vlad," I said softly, "I feel the same way. There's something about you that draws me in, something beyond the history and the curse."

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "Your presence brings me a sense of peace, Katrina. You make me feel... human again."

I leaned into his touch, my heart racing. "We'll face this together, Vlad. Whatever comes our way, we'll handle it side by side."

Determined to lighten the mood, I held up the book we had retrieved. "Let's focus on this for now. The 'History of Romania' might have some clues about your past and the curse."

Vlad seemed to relax a bit, his eyes returning to their usual deep, soulful hue. "You're right. Let's see what we can find."

We settled into a quiet corner of the library, the heavy tome spread open between us. As we pored over the ancient text, Vlad pointed out passages that detailed his life, the battles he fought, and the political machinations that had shaped his legacy.

"Here," he said, tapping a page with his finger. "This mentions a secret order of monks who were said to possess knowledge of ancient rituals. They could be the key to understanding and breaking the curse."

I leaned in closer, absorbing the information with a keen interest. "The Monastery of St. Michael," I read aloud. "Located deep in the Carpathian Mountains. It says they guarded many secrets, including the ritual that bound you."

Vlad nodded, his expression thoughtful. "If we can find this monastery, we might find the answers we seek."

As we settled into our quiet corner of the library, my curiosity about Vlad's extraordinary existence only grew. The more I learned about him, the more questions I had. Gathering my courage, I decided to ask the questions that had been on my mind since his revelation.

"Vlad, there's so much I still don't understand," I began, my voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern. "How have you not grown old after all these centuries? And... do you need blood to survive, or can you eat normal food?"

Vlad leaned back, considering my questions carefully before responding. "The curse that binds me grants me immortality. My body stopped aging when the curse took hold, preserving me in this state indefinitely."

He paused, his expression somber as he continued. "As for sustenance, I do need blood to maintain my strength and immortality. However, it's not as you might imagine. I can consume normal food and drinks, and I often do to maintain a semblance of normalcy. But blood... it is a necessity I cannot escape. It sustains the curse, keeps me alive."

I nodded, absorbing his words. "Is it difficult for you? To balance living like a human while having to rely on something so... dark?"

"It is a struggle," Vlad admitted. "For centuries, I have battled the darker urges that come with the curse. I've learned to control them, to live as close to a normal life as possible. But the isolation, the secrecy... it wears on the soul."

I reached out and placed my hand over his, offering comfort. "You don't have to do this alone anymore, Vlad. We'll find a way to break this curse. And until then, I'm here with you."

A grateful smile touched his lips. "Thank you, Katrina. Your support means more to me than words can express."

Another question bubbled up in my mind. "What about sunlight? In the stories, vampires are often harmed by it. Is that true for you as well?"

Vlad shook his head. "The stories are exaggerated. Sunlight does not harm me, though prolonged exposure can weaken me. I prefer the night because it offers solace and fewer prying eyes."

I considered his answers, fascinated by the complexity of his existence. "How do you manage to blend in, to hide your true identity for so long?"

"It's a matter of adapting, changing identities, and moving frequently," Vlad explained. "Throughout history, I have assumed various roles and names, ensuring that I remain hidden. I have allies, who help me maintain my cover and provide support when needed."

The weight of his words settled over me, a stark reminder of the sacrifices he had made to survive. "It must be incredibly lonely," I murmured, feeling a pang of sorrow for him.

"It is," Vlad admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "But meeting you, Katrina, has brought a light into my life that I haven't felt in centuries. You give me hope that perhaps, one day, this curse can be lifted."

I squeezed his hand, determined to be the beacon of hope he needed. "We'll find a way, Vlad. I promise."

Vlad DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now