Chapter 8

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The depth of Vlad's knowledge, coupled with his genuine interest in my thoughts and feelings, made our time together feel almost timeless. Eventually, we decided to take a break from our research and explore more of the castle.

"Would you like a tour of the castle?" Vlad asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I'd love that," I replied, my excitement bubbling over.

Vlad led me through the grand hallways and towering chambers of the castle, each room steeped in history. He pointed out relics and artifacts from his past, sharing stories that brought the castle to life. He told me that he was allowed to keep these stuff as he is know to them as a direct descendant of the Wallachian Prince. His passion for his home was evident, and I found myself even more captivated by him.

We started in the grand hall, where Vlad showed me the intricately carved wooden panels depicting scenes from his life. His eyes sparkled with nostalgia as he recounted the tales behind each one, his voice filled with emotion. Next, we ventured into the castle's art gallery. Paintings and sculptures lined the walls, each piece telling a story of its own. Vlad took my hand and led me to a particular painting, a portrait of a woman with striking features.

"This was my mother," he said softly. "She was a remarkable woman, strong and wise. She always believed in me, even when others did not, just like you."

I squeezed his hand gently, moved by his vulnerability. "She must have been very proud of you."

Vlad nodded, his gaze lingering on the portrait for a moment before he led me to the next room. We entered the music room, filled with various instruments. Vlad picked up a violin and played a hauntingly beautiful melody, his skill evident in every note. I was mesmerized, feeling the music touch my soul.

"You play beautifully," I said when he finished, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you," he replied, his eyes meeting mine with a warmth that made my heart flutter. "Music has always been a solace for me."

We continued our tour, sharing laughter and stories, the atmosphere growing increasingly light and intimate. Vlad led me to the castle's rooftop terrace, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

"This view is incredible," I breathed, taking in the beauty of it all.

"It is," Vlad agreed, his gaze fixed on me rather than the view. "But it's even more beautiful now, with you here."

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks at his words, the sincerity in his eyes making my heart race. "Thank you, Vlad. This means so much to me."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky turned a deep shade of twilight, and stars began to twinkle above us. We stood there in comfortable silence, the connection between us growing stronger with each passing moment.

After a while, Vlad suggested we have dinner. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, we made our way back inside to the grand dining hall. The room was dimly lit by candlelight, creating a romantic ambiance. The long table was set with an array of delicious dishes, each plate a work of art. I just figured out there were maids and a butler walking here and there. 

Vlad pulled out a chair for me and I took a seat, feeling a thrill of excitement at the intimacy of the evening. He took his place opposite me, and as we settled in, the warmth of the candles flickered, casting a soft light over his features.

"To a wonderful evening," Vlad said, lifting his glass in a toast.

I smiled, lifting mine as well. "To new discoveries and unexpected friendships."

Our glasses clinked, and we both took a sip. The wine was rich and full-bodied, perfectly complementing the feast before us. As we began to eat, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories. Vlad's eyes often met mine, and I could feel his gaze lingering, stealing glances when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Tell me more about your life, Katrina," Vlad said, his eyes full of genuine interest.

I shared stories of my childhood, my dreams, and my love for history. I shared how Uni would be ending for me. Vlad listened intently, his gaze never leaving mine. We laughed and talked, the evening passing by in a blur of joy and connection.

"Your passion for history is truly inspiring," Vlad remarked, his eyes shining with admiration. "It's rare to meet someone who shares such a deep appreciation for the past."

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me. "It's something that's always fascinated me. And being here, with you, learning about your life firsthand, is beyond anything I could have ever imagined."

Vlad smiled, lifting his glass once more. "Again to shared passions and unexpected journeys."

We toasted again, the clinking of our glasses a testament to the bond forming between us. As we continued to dine, Vlad shared more about his past, his experiences, and the challenges he had faced. His stories were filled with emotion, painting a vivid picture of a life both extraordinary and heartbreaking.

"Do you ever miss those times?" I asked, curious about his perspective.

"Sometimes," Vlad admitted. "There were moments of great joy and profound sorrow. But the weight of the curse has always been a constant shadow. It's difficult to look back without feeling the burden of what I've lost."

As the meal came to a close, Vlad rose from his seat and extended his hand. "Shall we take a walk in the garden? The night is beautiful, and I'd like to show you something special."

I took his hand, feeling a spark of excitement at his touch. We left the dining hall and made our way through the castle to the garden. The night air was cool and refreshing, the sky a tapestry of stars. The garden was a serene oasis, filled with fragrant flowers and softly glowing lanterns.

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