Chapter 5

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The weight of his words settled over me, and I realized the immense responsibility that had been placed upon us. We were not just uncovering history; we were part of it, entrusted with the truth of a man who had lived for centuries. Vlad had just laid his cards on the table.  Elena nodded digesting the situation, determination shining in her eyes. "We will help you, Vlad. Together, we will uncover the truth and share it with the world. And perhaps, we can find a way to finally give you peace. But truth be told we need every single detail regarding this curse of yours" "Yeah, Elena is correct. Well, your name being Vlad itself explains a lot. But how about the people? Can they not recognize you?" I asked, unable to contain the excitement growing within me. "No, Katrina, they would not recognize me. Your opinion about the paintings are correct. My enemies created a totally different man in that painting so that I would be remembered as an ugly and cruel blood thirsty monster, but you know the rest." Vlad sighed, his expression pained as he recalled the past. "The curse was a result of a dark ritual, performed with the intention of making me invincible, a protector of my land for all eternity. But as with all such dark magic, it came with unforeseen consequences. I was granted immortality, but at the cost of my humanity. The ritual bound my soul to this earth, preventing me from ever finding rest."

The tension in the room was palpable as Vlad's revelation hung in the air, the thunderclap outside echoing the turmoil within. As the initial shock began to subside, I took a moment to observe my companions more closely, each of their appearances and details now seeming more significant in light of Vlad's confession. Vlad stood tall and imposing, his presence commanding the room. His dark hair, streaked with the faintest hints of silver, framed a face that bore the marks of centuries. His eyes, a piercing shade of blue, held depths of wisdom and sorrow that only someone who had lived through countless lifetimes could possess. He wore a tailored suit, its classic cut hinting at an old-world elegance, yet he was handsome and moved with a grace and strength that spoke of his martial prowess and noble lineage. Elena, standing by his side, was a striking contrast to Vlad. Her brownish hair cascaded in loose waves down her back, framing a face that was both beautiful and expressive. Her dark eyes sparkled with intelligence and empathy, and there was an air of quiet strength about her. Dressed in a simple yet stylish ensemble, she exuded a natural elegance and poise. Elena's loyalty and support evident in every glance and gesture. Then there's me, Katrina.

Elena leaned in, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "I don't understand but who performed the ritual? And why didn't you stop them?" "It was a desperate time," Vlad explained. "The Ottoman Empire was pressing in on all sides, and my enemies within Wallachia sought to usurp my throne. The ritual was conducted by a coven of dark magicians who promised to give me the power to defend my land indefinitely. I agreed, not fully understanding the price I would pay. By the time I realized the extent of the curse, it was too late." I could see the anguish in his eyes, a man who had lived through centuries of loss and regret. "And what about the painting?" I asked. "Why did they distort your image?" Vlad's face hardened. "My enemies feared me even after the ritual. They spread rumors and commissioned paintings that depicted me as a monster, hoping to tarnish my legacy and turn my people against me. The image of the cruel, bloodthirsty tyrant was born from their lies. In reality, I did what I had to do to protect my people and my land. The truth, however, was buried beneath layers of myth and propaganda."

I stepped closer, my hand finding Vlad's. "We will uncover the truth, Vlad. We'll show the world who you really were and what you truly stood for. But we need to understand everything about this curse if we need to find a way to break it." Vlad nodded, his resolve strengthening. "I have spent centuries searching for a way to end this curse. There are ancient texts and artifacts scattered across Europe that might hold the key. With your help, I believe we can piece together the clues and find a solution." His handsome face gave me a genuine smile while he kept his other hand on top of mine. "By the way the castle is still under my name. I just didn't let it be known so that people would not grow suspicious of me. They think I am just the direct lineal representative of the Impaler" Vlad said getting up roaming his blue eyes around the interior of the castle.  Elena, ever the pragmatist, raised her voice, "Ah guys I think I should also let you know who I am and I think there's nothing for me to be afraid of since there's a brave and pretty girl alongside the most powerful king in the world." I and Vlad looked at each other with happiness and nodding at Elena. "I am a sorceress and the magic ability is passed down from my ancestors to me. So I am willing to help you two Vlad and Katrina in any way I can. I feel like I was born for this."  

"You know even I thought the same. From my childhood I used to believe you are a good person Vlad, it's just that the people had wronged you. Whenever I tell others my side of the story no one would listen except for my parents. I have to say Elena you really did give me an impression as if you are a fairy." We all chuckled as if we had known each other forever. "I really admire you two. Others might run away and report me but you two ladies volunteered to be with me." Vlad said with utmost respect towards us.  We both admitted to Vlad that it's nothing but an honor to help him. I pulled out a notebook and began jotting down details. "We need to start by identifying these texts and artifacts. Do you have any leads on where we might find them?" Vlad thought for a moment before replying. "There are several places we can start. The first is the old monastery in the mountains of Transylvania. The monks there were the keepers of many ancient secrets and might have knowledge of the ritual that cursed me. Another lead is the library of the Vatican, which holds countless forbidden texts that might contain references to the dark magicians who performed the ritual."

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