Chapter 3

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(If possible listen to this instrumental on YouTube or Spotify. It has the perfect vibe on ancient stories, mythology and dracula themes)

"Good evening," he said in a smooth, accented voice. "My name is Vlad. I am the owner of this hotel you are lodged at. As I understand you have an interest in Vlad the Impaler." "Yes," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm Katrina. How did you know?" "I have my ways," he said with a slight smile. "May I come in? I believe I can help you with your research." I hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside to let him in. There was something mysterious about Vlad, but also something compelling. As he entered, I felt a strange mix of caution and curiosity. We sat down, and Vlad began to speak. "Vlad's story is much more than what the legends tell. There are secrets hidden in this castle that few have uncovered. I can guide you, but you must be prepared for what you might find." "I'm ready," I said, my determination unwavering. "I want to know the truth."

Vlad nodded, his expression serious. "Very well. Tomorrow, we will return to the hidden chamber. There is something there that you need to see." The next day, as we prepared to leave for the castle, Vlad handed me an old, yellowed document. "This might interest you," he said. "It's a report from the 1930s, claiming that Vlad's grave in the Monastery of Snagov was found empty." "Empty?" I repeated, astonished. "What does that mean?" "It means," Vlad was smirking the whole time, "that there are more mysteries to Vlad's story than we ever imagined. Some believe he never died, that he continued to walk the earth. Others think his body was moved, perhaps to a place he considered truly sacred." Elena and I exchanged a glance, both intrigued and cautious. The idea that Vlad's grave could be empty added a whole new layer to our investigation. We arrived at the castle with a sense of urgency, determined to uncover the truth.

Back in the hidden chamber, we found a small, locked chest. With Vlad's help, we managed to open it. Inside was a collection of letters and documents, many written in Vlad's own hand. One letter, in particular, caught my eye. It was addressed to his brother, Radu, and hinted at a secret burial site, one that only his most trusted confidants knew about. "Wow I was hoping to visit the Castle of Vlad the Impaler but I did not even think I would get the chance to explore each and every detail of him. Thank you so much Vlad and Elena." Vlad returned a smile mentioning "Glad to be of help to you. But may I know what made you so interested in him?" I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding to Vlad's question. "Well," I began, "I've always been fascinated by history, particularly the stories of individuals who have left a significant mark on the world. Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula as he's often called, is one of those figures. His life is shrouded in mystery and legend, and I've always been intrigued by the truth behind the myths. When I heard about this hidden chamber and the possibility of uncovering more about his life, I couldn't resist the opportunity."

Elena, who had been quietly observing our exchange, chimed in, "It's not often that we get visitors who are genuinely interested in the historical Vlad rather than the fictional vampire. It's refreshing." I nodded, "The legends are fascinating, but I believe the real story is even more compelling. These letters," I said, holding up the one addressed to Radu, "could provide invaluable insights into his true character and the events that shaped his life." Vlad glanced at the letter in my hand, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You are right. My ancestor was a complex man, driven by a deep sense of duty to his people and a relentless desire to protect his land. These documents may indeed shed light on the parts of his life that have been overshadowed by the more sensational tales." Curiosity piqued, Before I carefully unfolded the letter to Radu I turned to Vlad remembering something "But didn't Radu Betray Vlad?". Vlad digested the information,  "As I believe the whole Dracula thing and the people had even corrupted his every detail. I think Vlad loved his brother even though he'd keep on ticking him. however  this letter for example could have been written before his rumored betrayal." I nodded and then began to read aloud:

"Dear Brother,

As I write this, I am filled with a sense of foreboding. The political landscape is ever-changing, and I fear that my actions, though necessary, will bring retribution upon our family. There is a place, hidden from prying eyes, where I have secured our legacy. Should the worst come to pass, you will find it in the mountains, where the old oak stands guard. Trust no one but those whose loyalty is beyond question.


The room fell silent as we absorbed the gravity of Vlad's words. The mention of a hidden burial site added a new layer of intrigue to our discovery. "This could be it," I said, excitement bubbling in my voice. "This could be the clue that leads us to his final resting place." Elena stepped closer, her eyes bright with anticipation. "If we can find this old oak in the mountains, we might uncover something that has been lost for centuries." Vlad's eyes twinkled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. "It seems our journey is far from over. But be warned, the path to the mountains is treacherous and full of dangers. Only those with true resolve will be able to uncover the secrets buried there." I met his gaze, determination hardening my resolve. "I'm ready but you speak like some kind of a commander from ancient times," I declared to which Elena snorted and Vlad chuckled. "Let's uncover the truth about Vlad the Impaler once and for all."

With newfound purpose, we gathered our belongings and prepared for the journey ahead. The mountains beckoned, and with them, the promise of uncovering the final chapter of Vlad's story. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the castle grounds as we set out, the ancient letter carefully tucked away in my bag, a silent testament to the secrets it held. As we ventured deeper into the Carpathian Mountains, the terrain grew more rugged and challenging. Each step brought us closer to the hidden burial site mentioned in Vlad's letter. The dense forest was alive with the sounds of nature, but the further we went, the more isolated we felt. It was as if we were leaving the modern world behind and stepping into the pages of history. Vlad led the way, his familiarity with the area evident in his confident stride. Elena and I followed closely, our eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of the old oak mentioned in the letter. The journey was grueling, but our determination kept us moving forward.

After several hours of trekking, we finally reached a clearing. In the center stood an ancient oak tree, its gnarled branches reaching skyward like skeletal fingers. It was a magnificent sight, a true sentinel of the ages. The air around it seemed charged with an almost tangible sense of history. "This must be it," Vlad said, his voice filled with awe. "The old oak that guards the secret." We approached the tree cautiously, the weight of the moment settling over us. I retrieved the letter from my bag and read it again, looking for any additional clues. The mention of loyalty and trust resonated deeply as I considered the significance of what we were about to uncover. "Look here," Elena called out, pointing to a section of the tree's roots. "There's something carved into the bark."

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