Chapter 4: The Ego of a Single Man

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   Haag Louria XXIV had an ambition amongst men, he desired for a legacy that will be remembered even by the superpowers of this world.

And to do that he must conquer an entire continent. He did so by waging wars with his neighbours with them subsequently falling under Louria's boots, many thought his ambitions were absurd or a mere fever dream of a mad man nobody believed he could do it, that was until he unified the western part of Rodenius only then those that ridiculed him had began to respect and support his cause the only ones that stood in his way now were the demihuman nations of Quila, Qua Toyne and Karva.

Quila was a Kingdom of Beastmen.

Karva was the nation of Dwarves.

Qua Toyne was for the elves.

Naturally seeing an opportunity he flooded Qua Toyne and Quila's borders with refugees and simultaneously declared a war of annihilation against the three.

He could've won if not for the incompetence of the commander in charge of the time who pitied the demihumans.

This war cost Louria more than it could hold but it was also the same for the others with so much devastation Quila and Karva willingly joined Qua Toyne in order to solidify their economy and devastated population.

It was clear to him then that his dream of a great legacy to be remembered was no more. Until a Parpaldian Ambassador came to the shores and offered to support Louria as a whole.

By submitting to the superpowers demands Louria found itself revived militarily with over 500 Wyverns, 4,400 ships and equipment enough to arm a million Knights were given to him at the price that he had to bend over backwards for the empire for their continued support.

Haag Louria XXXIV despite humiliating sacrifices found a new way to accomplish his goals. Not only were they supplemented weapons made by a superpower but they were also being taught strategies that can completely route their arch enemy Qua Toyne.

"My King, what is your benevolent order?" The Prime Minister asked anticipating, his eyes says all what he had desired from this point.

"Conquer Qua Toyne. Don't even give them the benefit of a declaration of war."

To say that Louria was in crippling debt was an understatement but regardless, The Flames of War has been lit. Millions of Soldiers began their march all to the call of a single man.


"Since deploying a diplomatic mission to Louria. We have set up listening devices to the Castle of the King himself."

The meeting in Japan began, among the chairs of attendees were only a few people.

The Prime Minister, Rarden Ishikawa

Lord Commander, Josephine Maryland

JSDF Security Minister, Taka Kiyutsuki

These 3 people were the only ones allowed to know of the informations being relayed. For the most part Maryland already knew most of the things being told as she either ordered it or noticed the movements of troops.

They were now faced with an inevitability of conflict. Frankly both the Prime Minister and Lord Admiral didn't want to join the war. As to the reason the Prime Minister didn't want to create a "Militia" aka a 20th century defense force to deploy in the new world, for Maryland she has other problems arising there was the missing Hannibal, several Human rights activists advocating for the enlightenment of the new world and the Earth Federation's actual Foreign Affairs branch who wants to sieze control on the entire goings on in the new world frankly if she were to appoint military units to serve in a conflict they largely don't understand more than likely a distrust and hate can begin to arise slowly.

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