Chapter 5: The War on Rodenius

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Qua Toyne's council was panicking. The invasion while not a surprise easily devastated one of the Principality's greatest noble house acting as a stand in for Moizi's Western Region Army while they trained on new equipment.

Hwachas, drakes and even flameguns were said to have been present in the battle which were weapons used in the civilized areas. Which could explain the death of an entire Knight House with it's Earl Hoster killed in Action.

The remnants should be rightly compensated however, the issue with Louria persist Ejei was capable of handling a siege but not against what Louria now possessed.

"When will our Modern Army be able to reinforce our lines?"

"That we don't know of. Many of them are still getting used with the new tactics. Deploying them now may as well be sending children to the fight."The Minister of Defense replied with a solemn expression.

Feeling Pressured Prime Minister Kanata thought deeply on what to do.

"My apologies for being rude but aren't we on a defense pact with Japan? We could simply ask for their help." A Minister pointed out.

"Yes. But we're already indebted to Japan providing advance military equipment with us in return giving them a 5 years worth of food. At best it shall be our last resort." Kanata replied with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Forgive me for Barging in! The Town of Gim has been captured! Our scouts have reported that they were all being taken to Louria as Slaves."

"Prime Minister if I must inquire again, if you are afraid to lean in to Japan then we could suggest a joint operation to counter Louria. That way we can gain valuable insights as to how they fight their wars along with lightening the burden on our nation."

Still unconvinced Kanata was about to mobilize all military units even forming a Militia to counter Louria's invasion.

"Report!" Another man arrived sweating heavily. From his uniform alone he was from Maihark. "We have substantial evidence that points that there is over 4,000 Ships that sortied out of Louria's Many Ports! It is unknown where they will be attacking."

If that wasn't enough pressure, Japan despite providing many advance equipment never shared any ships or weapons to counter a naval invasion. Not even any tactics were shared. If that 4,000 ship fleet were to concentrate their forces on a strategic area such as Maihark they would be besieged on both sides.

Kanata thought, 'Was this Japan's ultimate goal was? To further rely on them so they could exploit us? The weapons were merely a band aid over a bleeding wound. What are they gonna ask in return? Knowledge of Magic to which we have kept secrets for millenia... or perhaps an entry to the sacred forest.' the compensation for calling Japan weighed in on his mind.

Hence despite dozens of worries on his mind it was decided. Qua Toyne's decision to involve Japan was immediately pushed through. Despite knowing they may fall into a crisis of post war debt repayment.

14 M7 Medium Tanks and M5 Stuarts, Passionately named by the Qua Toynians as the Kijje and Kenshiva named after one of the four heroes that fought in the war against the demon lord, stopped abruptly atop a small hill.

They were sent as a Forward Operating Group meant to link up with the Japanese 13th Armored Division that will be landing near the round between Gim and Ejei.

"That must be the refugees from Gim." The Commander of the Tank Platoon murmured. "8th Armored Platoon reporting. We have located the Refugees moving a quarter of my unit to escort."

Going back inside the cramped space they all passionately called a Metal Coffin. He grew nervous at the thought of facing the enemy, but he reassured himself with the training provided by Japan.

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