Chapter 1: The New World

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1639, Continent of Mu
Month 1, Year 0

The Streets were dazzled with the new golden age pioneered by the many geniuses of Mu.

Streets were lively with people wearing a fashion trend that deviated from the rest of the world, the sound of Mechanical ticks and pops could be heard nearby with cars becoming more common by the day as manufacturing becomes simpler and more reliable.

One of the heralded Mu Society Genius, Myrus Leclerc drove upon the newly refurbished asphalt road with the sound of a new 4 cylinder luxury automobile.

It was the very first car to have a cooled and closed interior unlike the previous vehicles before it that were open top.

It was fast and had a powerful 65 horse power engine. The sleek looks of the car had made the passerbys look on in awe at the vehicle he rode to work.

He gave a soft smile as he parked by his workplace's empty lot that some had began calling the Automobile Park.

He moves with grace, slowly walking to the wide steps of stairs to his prestigious workplace.

As he entered he was greeted warmly by the receptionist. He stopped by to speak some menial greetings and went on to his field.

As he sat down someone immediately barges through rudely. Frowning he was about to lash out but seeing who the person was, he stopped the words that were at his throat.

"Yes? Daimler."

Myrus was familiar with the young man before him as a person with untapped potential. But since Daimler studied Cosmology they barely met.

"Sir Myrus. I would like for you to read these reports. From what we've gathered, this is no ordinary meteorites that impacted the eastern fringes of the third civilization area. If possible I would like for you to handle this through your connections."

How bold and shameless of Daimler to even suggest Myrus to use his personal connections to merely investigate to him was nothing but pieces of space debris.

But Myrus thought carefully. Normally such events should just be another pile of meteorite scrap.

"Hmm." Ever so curious he began reading the file given to him.

His brows raised a moment to share his surprise. He returned his gaze to Daimler then said with a smile.

"The meteorites didn't register an impact site?"

"We calculated the trajectory and we even used the new "Giant Brain" and concluded that the impact site should be south of the third civilized areas and a little farther east for the Rodenius continent."

"Hmm. We can't send a ship as the Navy doesn't wanna talk about logistics, but we can try and ask for a private adventurer."

"Do you have anyone in your mind."

"Of course. They should be there by the second month."

With Myrus' affirmation Daimler nodded in satisfaction and headed off from Myrus' office.

"Hm... Gra Valkas Empire... I should design a different Landship this time so that it can be mass-produced." Myrus was familiar with the name of a certain empire that has been causing headwinds within the west outside civilized areas. With rumours going as far to say they are equiped with Technologies from Mu.

With a sigh he muttered a few words within the silent office he occupied. Around him were mock ups of what he had help pioneered.

From the Great Landship that has become the pride of the Mu ground forces to the new Mono-wing Aircraft that would soon replace the Marin fighter of their naval and air forces and the incredible La Ikusumi Dreadnought for their navy with many more innovations in his belt.

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