Chapter 6: The Battle of Lean Nou Forest

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(very long)

Qua was an old name for the Lean Nou Forest of Qua Toyne. The residents of the forest were mainly high elves to which the City Elves were not allowed to enter like Humans.

The High Elves were independent of Qua Toyne serving like the Vatican for Italy. There was a designated spot for prayer into the deeper parts of the forest which the High Elves allowed entry, while escorted of course. The High Elves also served a role as historians guiding the city elves and various races part of Qua Toyne into the path their long forgotten God taught.

A couple of Miles from the Border of Qua Toyne the Lourian part of the Forest, which was relatively free of the High Elves Influence, had an army prepared to strike into the mystical forest with one goal in mind. To circumvent the defenses of Qua Toyne's infamous Fortress, Ejei.

There were many strategic reasons for this, Ejei had thwarted many invasions in the past and thanks to its location and had been historically speaking quite significant to defense going as far back to the alliance of races.

Of course Louria was also aware of the mystical capabilities of the forest hence brought a specific breed of land dragons apart from the ones they used, Drakes, their Sponsor also brought a never before seen tamed breed of monsters only found on the continent of Grameus.

A Salamander. They were bigger and longer than even the Lynthwurms used by Parpaldian however the Parpaldian Lynthwurms had the advantage of its thick hides and relatively tame relationship with humans and its caretakers while the Salamander, an Aggressive Beast that has often eaten a soldier in numerous occasions could easily be slain by Parpaldian Weaponry hence their lack of investments to the beast.

However, they brought forth to the table a unique ability that was note worthy during the advent of the demon lord. It's capability to light a fire that could burn the mystical forest of Lean Nou Forest and couldn't be easily taken out primitive weapons and weakens magic effects around it. Not only that, the fire can also target any living organism due to its sensitivity to movements making them a horrific weapon against the far more nimble Forest and High Elves.

"Sons of Louria! Begin our attack!" Riding atop a Salamander a well known commander for his cruelty against the enemy, Duke Arventi lead the charge into battle atop an Armored Salamander with him encased on a throne reinforced with magic.

As the Lourian Army marched into the Forest they quickly found themselves in combat against Forest Elves a lower type of High Elves that acts as perimeter guards for the forest.

Their wooden bows were drawn and they let loose dozens of arrows. With their much greater height, arm length and greater muscle strength they used long bows as if it were short bows rapidly letting loose so many arrows that it was overwhelming the Lourian Advance.

The Arrows could easily Pierce Shields carried by standard Lourian Infantry but many of this arrows simply bounced off the armor worn by a Salamander thanks to an inch of armor.

"Dragon of Louria! Vanquish thine enemies in your purifying flame!"

As he called out the Salamander Opened it's mouth and immediately a bright water like substance were spat out at a great distance. Right after that, screaming could be heard as the liquid it released lit ablaze anything it touched and due to its sensitivity to movements quickly rised to the trees of the elves and burned them like animals with some falling to the ground.

The Burning elves desperately trying to put out the fire didn't know. But their struggles kept the fire aggressive thanks to their panic and erratic movements.

The breath of a Salamander possessed a characteristic like Napalm but it stepped it up due to Magical Influences. The Flames used by a Salamander disperses as it gets near, it was a safety mechanism that the Salamanders possessed which makes them great war assets.

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