chapter ten: be the first one

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Amine Bensaid

The next morning Naoufal and I got ready. We would first go to his house and then pick up the bride. 'Amine, about last night. I seriously would talk to her. With a mahram of course. Just shoot your shot and ask for her hand in marriage. The worst answer is just a no.' I looked over at him.

'A no would mean that I wasted all those years thinking about her.' 'To love someone is never a waste of time. Just take a look at me. How many years did I wait for Soumaya?'

'I will think about it.' Naoufal nodded. 'Just make sure that nobody beats you to it. You will regret it.'

I knew that she would be at Soumaya's house. I knew that I would see her and I did. I had seen her earlier, her eyes searching the crowd, and I had quickly turned away. Maybe she shouldn't see me right now. Maybe I had to keep a distance.

As the night went on, I found myself getting more and more restless. I wanted to see her, to talk to her, but I knew I couldn't. It wasn't the right time, not here, not now. So I drank my tea, laughed at the jokes, and tried to enjoy the wedding. My plan to keep a distance vanishing in thin air.

After some time I decided to go outside and take some fresh air. It was then that I saw her with my aunt Sarah. I have no idea how they knew each other. It seemed like they were coming my way so I hurriedly disappeared after a car.

'You look beautiful in that dress Allahuma barek. It wouldn't have suited anyone else. Just a reminder, I still have a nephew out there who needs to get married.' Wait, about which nephew is galti Sarah talking? It better be me, forgetting that I am her only nephew. I can imagine Jannah blushing right now. She will probably change the topic.

'Is that so? Will you only get him married to me? No other girl has a chance?' I heard her teasing my aunt. This Jannah was a different person to me. I liked this side. A little smirk covered my lips. If only she knew about who she was talking about.

'You both deserve the best, and in my eyes that is each other. If only you knew how much you deserve each other.' Galti Sarah is definitely my favorite aunt from now on.

'If that's true, I pray he's good-looking. But from what I can see with you, that seems guaranteed. You're beautiful Allahuma barek.'

My smirk became wider. She knows what she's talking about. Who wouldn't want an Amine in their life? 1, 90m (6'2), beard, broad shoulders, fit, handsome, ...

'I see that you are changing your mind Jannahti. Would you like me to send him over to your house?'. My heart skipped a beat. Should I really go? Should I ask for her hand in marriage. I felt my ears getting hot.

'Don't worry about it galti. If that's meant to be, then it will happen at some point. May Allah make it easy for everyone, Ameen.' She didn't reject the idea? What if galti Sarah was someone else's aunt?

I went back in when they passed me and went to the toilet. Does she know that galti Sarah is my aunt? Does she know about who she was talking about?

She once again came outside with me aunt. Probably saying goodbye to her as we were about to leave. She really looked good in that dress. That was definitely her color. Besides black of course.

I felt my aunt waving at her as I was checking my blind spots. 'Who is she?' I asked playing the dumb card. 'Jannah, the sweetest girl. I love her so much. Aren't you thinking of marriage? Because if you do, she is the perfect match for you. She is lovely. Please consider her. And don't you worry, she is a beautiful girl. Her smile shines like the moon and her eyes are beautiful Allahuma barek.'

I felt myself getting hot. 'Are you blushing?' I turned my face to the other way. 'No, why would you think that galti?' She was inspecting me. 'Stop the car at the side.' I knew that I couldn't say no to her so I did what she said.

'Look at me.' I turned to her acting normal. 'You are definitely blushing. Do you know her?' My aunt said between her giggles. I shook my head on which she gave me a look. 'Don't lie to me.'

So here I am, telling our story to my aunt. 'But I don't think that she feels the same way.'

'I knew it. I knew that you were perfect for each other. I will call your mom and tell her that we are going to ask for her hand. I'll let Jannah know too.' My head snapped to my aunt.

'What? No! Not now! I first have to talk to her.' 'Amine, you can't do that without a mahram.' 'I know, just give me some time, please.'

'Just make sure that nobody beats you to it.' She was the second one telling me this.


Assalamu Alaikum,

Little chapter for you guys between the studying. Make dua for me because I really need to pass these exams. May Allah swt make it easy for us and help us pass, Ameen. 

Don't forget to vote and let me know what you think about the story so far! :) 

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