chapter eleven: unexpected encounter

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Jannah Ziani

It was a week following Soumaya's wedding. Everything was so fresh yet so different. I was still processing the fact that she was now married and wouldn't be around as much. I found myself scrolling through the pictures we had taken together, a slight smile playing on my lips.

My eyes fell on a picture of me, Soumaya, and Rahma. We were all wearing matching outfits and our smiles were wide, capturing the joy of the moment. We had called ourselves the 'Three Musketeers' since we were children, and now one of us was starting a new chapter of her life.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of the doorbell. I hesitated for a moment, not expecting anyone. With a sigh, I stood up and made my way to the front door after putting on a khimaar. As I opened it, I was met with a familiar face.

'Rahma?' I was engrossed in a hug without giving me a chance to speak. Rahma wasn't a huger which made the situation even more weird. I held her as we both took a seat in the living room. 'Are you okay?' Rahma met my eyes and nodded. 'Yes Alhamdoulillah. It is just so quiet at home. I am not used to that so I thought to pass by. I needed a sister around me.'

I smiled at her. 'Why didn't you come earlier? As Soumaya said, mi casa es su casa.' Rahma's eyes grew bigger. 'That's right. She said that! What about we go to her? It's Friday. She is definitely at home.' I thought a little about it. 'Won't Naoufal say anything?' She shook her head. 'No and he could go to his best friend as Soumaya said.' 'If you say so, we can buy some snacks on the way to her house. Let me get changed.'

We went up to my room. Rahma took a seat on my bed as we were discussing Soumaya's henna party. 'Oh, you didn't tell me why you talked in the present when we were joking about your crush.' I turned around towards my bathroom trying to avoid the question. 'Jannah, you know you can tell me everything.' I nodded.

'It just feels useless to talk about it. We don't even know his name. Let alone where he is now. I don't know why he keeps wandering around in my mind. Will I ever recognize him if we'll meet again?'

(Author's note: Jannah seems to forget that he is not the only one who's wandering around in her mind hihihi)

'You know, maybe it is meant to be. Maybe you will find each other again.'

'Or maybe I'm hoping, foolishly, for something that isn't meant to be. Maybe I'm wasting my time.' A sigh escaped my lips as I got lost in my thoughts. 'By the way, did you also notice Amine's car at the wedding?'

Rahma looked confused. 'How do you know his car?' And then it hit me that I hadn't told her about him being here. 'Well, you do remember when I had his agenda?' 'Yes, you never told me how you got yours back. I forgot to ask you due the wedding.' So I told her the story. How our eyes met in the dark and how he said that black suited me.

'What?' There was no doubt that she was shocked. 'Yes, that was also my reaction. But I couldn't say anything because my parents were also there. Do you know that my father adores him? I don't even understand why.'

'Well, he is handsome and very intelligent. And he is well-mannered.' I send Rahma a look. 'That is not the point right now. Why does he talk to me like that? Not even once, but twice.'

'What do you mean by twice.' Oops, also forget to tell her about our encounter at the library. So I updated her about this too. Rahma broke out into laughter. 'You told him that black isn't a color. Why would you say that.' I shrugged my shoulders. 'I don't know. Why would he say those things?'

'It doesn't seem like he said those things because he hates you. In fact, it's quite the opposite.' I gave Rahma a warning look. 'Don't even say that. Just look at him and then at me.' 'Oh, look at you, all ahead of the game and thinking things through!' Rahma said between her giggles.

'Omg Rahma not in that context. I don't like him.' 'Uhu, I do believe you don't worry about it.' I gave up and went to my bathroom to change.

Soumaya's house was only a 15 minute walk so we decided to enjoy today's weather as the sun was shining which is very rare in Belgium.

As they step inside, Jannah and Rahma are greeted with warmth and laughter in the house of Soumaya. The atmosphere is light and joyful, filled with the sounds of shared stories and inside jokes. They settle in comfortably, catching up and enjoying the company.

'I am so happy that you guys decided to stop by. It was getting boring as Naoufal is out with Amine. They went to the mosque.'

But their carefree moment is interrupted by the sudden sound of the doorbell. 'Oh, he is probably back home. I'll open the door and come back.' Soumaya stood up and went towards the door. We were sitting in the kitchen as we had decided to bake some cupcakes. But to my surprise, we heard more than two voices. Rahma looked confused as I shrugged my shoulders.

'Girls, I am afraid that we'll have to stay in the kitchen. Naoufal's friend Amine is with him. Sorry.' Rahma gave her a confused face. 'Why are you saying sorry? We are used to sit in the kitchen.' I nodded my head. 'Yes, exactly. We can have our tea here.'

'Soumaya where do I find the bathroom? I have to do wudhu as it's almost time for asr.' I stood up as Soumaya was giving me instructions. Okay, up the stairs second door to the left. It can't go wrong. 'Thank you.'

Once I was out of the kitchen, I froze in shock at the sight of him standing there. What is he doing here?

Having known each other already, their unexpected encounter in that moment felt surreal. It was as if fate had conspired to bring them together in this unexpected place, catching them off guard and leaving them speechless.

Their eyes locked, and in that instant, a flurry of emotions raced through them both. Surprise, excitement, and a tinge of nervousness settled in the air between them

My mind was fighting me to look at something else, at anything else but those eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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