First Impressions

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They had met in passing before, greeting each other at award shows, events thrown together by mutual friends, movie premieres. They knew of each other, of their devotion to their craft, of the reputation through their colleagues. 

They were both hardworking, kind and quiet actors that loved their job. 

They had met once before the script reading with the writer. To see the chemistry between the two leads that would spend more than a year together, filming and promoting. To see if they were compatible but also if they simply enjoyed each other's company. They both had commented their mutual respect for each other's skills. Having watched their previous works, both for fun and to study their potential partner. 

"Well I'll leave you two to talk for a bit. I have to take a call." 

They both nodded quietly before going back to reading the script that they were given. The roles were different from anything they both had played before and they both really wanted to make these unique characters their own. 

"It's refreshing isn't it?" He commented before he glanced up to see her writing a few notes in the margins of the script. "Ji Won-shi?"

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" She said quickly before setting down her pen. "What did you say?" 

He smiled at her flustered expression before shaking his head. It was a bit awkward but not uncomfortable. "I was just saying the characters are refreshing. Usually it's the rich guy that's cold and suave (멋있어) but this time it's Hong Hae In. Baek Hyun Woo is a bit clumsy and a bit dense just like a typical heroine would be." 

She smiled back at him and nodded as her eyes gave him her full attention. Her eyes were so bright even behind her glasses. She lifted them with the back of her hand before turning her script over and showing him her notes. "That's exactly what I was writing." She laughed and he felt butterflies in his stomach. "Oh, and I did write that Hong Hae In is a bit scary." 


"Yes! I think if I ever met her I'd be scared but then I realized she's actually very warm to people she loves. She's very kind and sweet. Especially to her husband." 

Oh. This is dangerous. She's so lovable. She is nothing like Hong Hae In. She is so sweet. 

"I think it'll be very fun to play these scenes that I'm usually reacting towards. I think the clumsy dense Baek Hyun Woo is very cute...and I think I really enjoy the fact that he's only that way to Hong Hae In. He's just a fool in love and I don't think anything else could melt the heart of the Ice Queen if not him. Someone warm...and considerate like Baek Hyun Woo is the perfect partner to someone like Hong Hae In." 

Perfect Partner. He liked the sound of that. He thought with a smile before reaching for his drink. They talked a bit more about their characters, and like a good student, she wrote notes and asked questions in regards to how he viewed his character. While she focused on their characters and her own connection to Hong Hae In, he watched her. 

He watched her little habits from the way she blew up her cheeks, to the way she laughed softly. He watched as she tapped her lips with her index finger. He watched her brows furrow at a more difficult scene, her micro expressions were all so delightfully cute. 

"Is your manager here?" He asked as he watched her put her glasses away and put her hat on. It was then that he noticed her untangling her headphones from her bag. "If not, we can always give you a ride." 

"Ah no! Actually, I was in the process of signing and looking through some of the contracts that I received since mine expired recently. Joong Ki oppa actually wanted to meet up for coffee but I think he's trying to convince me to join his company." She giggled and he couldn't help but wonder why his own company didn't think to snatch her up when she was a free agent. He would have to talk to his cousin about this. "I didn't even think about joining a new drama so early, but I couldn't say no to such an iconic character." 

"So, you don't have anyone to escort you around?" 

She smiled before she put on her mask and shook her head. "It's okay. It makes it easier to walk around and I wanted to get some books." 

"For Hae In?" 

A shy nod and he laughed at how sweet she looked as she peaked up at him. "I was thinking of getting some biographies on female leaders. Like Anna Wintour or Princess Diana." 

"You're making me look like a bad student who doesn't need to study, Ji Won-shi." 

"Well I have to study, if I'm going to be your female lead, I'm going to have to be the best I can be. I want to do Hong Hae In justice." 

"Wah...I better get my manager to get me some books so legal terms come easier to me." He chuckled. "Then I guess I'll see you next time." He half wished he didn't have another schedule after this, maybe then he could have gone with her to the bookstore. He could have seen more of this cute almost nerdy side of his co-lead.

"Mmnn" She said with a cute nod before giving him a small bow. "Stay healthy, sunbae. Don't get sick and I'm really excited to start this journey with you." 

As he saw her leave, her arms swinging from side to side, he couldn't help but wish he could join her. Her energy was something he wanted to be around, bright and bubbly. He kept his eyes on her until she turned the corner and felt the corners his lips rise.

"The first chapter of many." 


Everything about this is just fun and delusions come to life. I by no means think claim these as real and just want to have my little imagination run wild especially since I do like the as a couple but I love them even more as their individual selves. That being said, I do hope that maybe they are together..

I love this interview of them! So many cute moments! O

I love this interview of them! So many cute moments! O

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