004: Pep Talks

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There's a point in one's sleep when they slip into the deepest range of lumber and thus their bodies can be moved with care for the chance of waking them greatly reduces. Subtle cues such as deepening of breath or the movement of eyes under lids or even something as simple as how long the person has been asleep can indicate this. All in all however, it takes a great deal of dedication and attention to detail to acquire this knowledge and none of those aforementioned things would be possible without love; an extraordinary amount in fact.

Kentrell hums softly as Durk sleeps. He entertains himself by strumming his long fingers up and down his spine or gently fiddling with his dreads. Simple leftover involuntary gestures obtained after years of loving this man like the moon loves the sun. He moves his head to the side, lips curving into a faint smile as his lidded eyes see it. His portrait on the other's leg. From this position he knew he'd be able to, Durk always... always used to, ahem... fall asleep on his right side with his head placed over the left side of his chest... over his heart. And Kentrell would always turn his head to the left to look at the image of his face on the other's leg. It.. it was a gift he got to... to make up to the younger for... cheating. Kentrell presses his lips together and slides his lower jaw to the side. Ah yes, the displeasure of remembrance how it taints even the simplest of bliss. Shortly after that tattoo was healed Durk proposed so to commemorate the occasion as well as make the gesture up to him, Kentrell got his name tattooed in between his hips... right above where the thick hem of his boxer briefs rest on his skin.

Let's just say, Nau'jour is NOT a fan of that tattoo. He's trying to convince him to cover it, clearly not listening as Kentrell tries to explain to him that a cover up would be impossible due to the bold font and black ink. Nau'jour then wants him to remove it, he's been giving him brochures and doctor information about laser tattoo removal. But Kentrell is nervous due to the high amount of pain people normally associate with the procedure. Then he wants Kentrell to get his name tattooed on his face or neck, someone most visible to the world. But they haven't even been dating for six months yet.

Nau'jour also does NOT like when Kentrell brings that fact up as an explanation as to why he doesn't think the tattoo would be a good idea.

He blinks, his smile morphing into a frown. Against his will his eyes cut over to his forearm, the scar is dark against his skin. It's sort of a slash, sort of a scrape. The result of being shoved to the ground and meeting the edge of an entertainment center on the way down. Nau'jour was so sorry when he saw the blood. He promised to work on not being as jealous and controlling his temper but he pointed out that it was all Kentrell's fault because he was being difficult about the tattoo. But that was okay because he still loved him and he should be lucky that he does because most niggas would kick him to the curb for not listening and refusing to obey. Tears sting the male's eyes but his lids sweep them away.

I digress, once Durk's breathing constantly deepens, Kentrell carefully maneuvers Durk flat on his back. He tucks him into place with a thin blanket then stands to stretch his legs and clear his head.

Since Durk is in the more,,, fancy area, crazy I know, of the hospital, his room comes with a balcony. Kentrell unlocks the sliding glass door and steps into the peace of night, leaving the door ajar just in case.

"Hello?" The voice is deep and the word tumbles out clumsy and unsure.

Kentrell's face twitches as his brows furrows, his nose scrunches and, his mouth snarls. "Nigga," in disbelief, "was you sleep!?"

Tyquian lets out a meaningful yawn as he pulls himself off the couch. Across from him is recording equipment. He's been working hard on that album all day, the only real break he's gotten is when he went to do that favor for Kentrell. "Can't uh nigga sleep, slime?"

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