006: Butterfly Wings

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Durk awoke with a sudden cry; not a mere sound but a full on sob. Kentrell immediately rushed to his side with a box of tissues to tow to blot away his tears. Through said tears, minutes later he was able to relate that he had a dream about Von; the sheer tenderness in his voice makes Kentrell's heart crack further and further inside his ink covered chest. He starts to shush and coo, frantically maneuvering around the bed to the other side so he can crawl in bed with him. He guesses it's okay. It's just so much easier to soothe Durk with physical touch; he hates that he knows that about him.

Durk sucks up all the pain his body produces to shuffle centimeter by centimeter closer to Kentrell. Until the other male noticed and fully pressed, as much as injuries would allow anyways, their bodies side by side. Durk buries his head in the other's chest to cry. To cry. To scream. To curse. To feel. To breathe. To be human. To be safe. See, that boy right here is his rock; his ultimate source of comfort. His strength, his.. was his.. everything. Was. Was. Was.

And repeating that word over and over in his head has him crying for a whole new reason. All this crying as Kentrell cradles the back of his head with care; rocking as his free hand rubs his back. There were tears in his eyes too. When he blinks they travel down his cheeks, collect near his jawline to a drop heavy enough to fall into blond locs. Blond locs in desperate need of a retwist. The thought makes the younger sniffle as a smile appears, he learned how to retwist just to do Durk's hair. He didn't like the thought of randm, possiblr hoes- you know, bitches touching his nigga. So he learned. He learned how to do them himself. And now today or tomorrow or even the next day he'd figure out a way to position Durk so he could do his hair again.

The thought makes his heart lurch; he never thought he'd have the chance to even touch Durk's dreads again. Hell, he didn't even think he wanted too. Until now. Until he holds a handful in his hand. Each centimeter holds a memory that like a wave flash and roll before his eyes. Funny how the longer he's with him the hazier the bad memories grow. In his chest rumbles the magic of life; of creatures lost to time long ago. From deep inside of his flesh, buried within his organs, eggs shake. A cycle has begun.

The first full day was spend watching and comforting Durk as he cried. Kentrell had to coax him to eat every meal, even if it was just a few bites or sips. He had to insert a straw into his mouth to get him to drink. He also changed him out of his gown and sponged him down with a few wet wipes but at that point Durk was delirious due to his pain medicine. Pain medication that made him forget they weren't together and Von's death for a moment.

Pain medication that made him shatter as soon as he could remember. But faithful as always, Kentrell was right at his side to cradle and comfort him through it. All the while inside his body, the eggs' shells slowly form cracks.

The second full day went much the same as the first. Kentrell wasn't really interested in talking to anyone. He did check in with Nau'jour but that nigga was tweaking so he just hung up. That small action while many could glance over was a huge step. Kentrell didn't even notice, he was too busy trying to get back inside because he knew Durk would be up at any second. Durk awoke in tears and the cycle went just the same.

Nardo popped by in the evening to offer to relive Kentrell for a moment. He pulled him to the balcony as the blond slept to offer him a proposition; they could take turns. Sometimes Nardo could watch and care for Durk while Kentrell took up time with Jamell. The thought of abandoning Durk made tiny fragments of his heart shatter off from the main organ. Caterpillars emerged from their eggs to feast on these shards. Life is growing.

Needless to say Nardo left mildly irritated that the answer was no. No. Kentrell would not abandon him.. even if, as Nardo put it, he was a nigga who proposed and cheated and would never ever in a second do this for him if the roles were switched. Not going to lie, that declaration was a beetle. That crawls around the pit of his stomach, eating eggs and caterpillars as it went.

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