005: Morning Woes

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Sometime durning the night. The echo of a shower fills the small hospital room and yawning, the male's eyes flutter open. Darkness stares back, its invisible smile twisted and snarled and its translucent teeth sharp. A soft groan, muffled by the sound of the shower. He blinks granules out of his eyes as his head lulls to the right, to the empty bed where Kentrell should lay. He sniffles, his eyes catching the light emitting from the bathroom door.

"What tha fuck, ma?" Durk yawns, laying there weak and in need of sleep as the shower continues. "What time is it?" His voice is but gravel and honey, it's rumbles out incredibly deep from sleep yet smooth as silk. Durk looks towards the fossil on the nightstand, one of the last standing relics from a bygone era- a digital clock. He can still remember the one in his granny's crib that used to wake his ass up for school in the morning. Ah good times, he always hated that fucking piece of shit.

I digress. The red numbers composted of lines read '2:18 AM' and Durk lets out a defeated groan. "Tha fuck is this nigga showerin' nah? It's two in tha mornin'!" Like he gets trying to smell good for him but shit! He can stink a little, that's okay. Humans stink.

Minutes tick by as phantom wisps of sheep draft by Durk's barely opened eyes. Every time they flutter closed Kentrell manages to drop something or bang against something. And you know, he's running a pick through the folds of his brain trying to figure out if Kentrell has.. ever.. showered at two a.m.. Hell, he didn't even shower after they had sex. He always just waited until after he woke up.

So why is he showering now?

Is he paranoid about the hospital or something?

Finally, the water deads. Quickly after that the door creaks open and Kentrell carefully walks out holding a bundle of clothes. He rubs his arms as he makes his way back to his bed. Durk was tempted to speak but his shook his head and fall back to sleep.

In the morning, Kentrell wakes up first. Honestly, he didn't really sleep that well last night. He was thinking about Durk and worrying over his health... then thinking about Nau'jour and all those missed calls and unread texts. He would have to call him in the morning and the thought made him restless. Then... well... Kentrell just doesn't sleep good at night. He doesn't want to even think about why. But showers help him sleep. They make him clean. Then he's not so dirty and the dirty doesn't rub off onto the sheets and bedding and make things grimy. It's so much harder to sleep in a dirty bed.

Yawning, stretching, rolling out of bed with his phone in his hand. First action would be to call Nau'jour and get it over with. Durk is asleep and just in case the other is a little rowdy, it'll be best to call now. Last thing he needs is for Durk to catch on to anything.

Stepping through the sliding entranceway and onto the balcony, he clicks on Nau'jour's contact and takes a deep breath as the dial tone rings in his ear.

'He's in Georgia. All the way in Georgia. He can't hurt me. He can't hurt m-'

"Oh now yo hoe ass wanna call." Nau'jour's voice growls on the other side. "I thought you was goin' up there to play nurse. Not to be a fuckin' hoe!"

Kentrell's lip quivers, he tucks it into his lower lip as he glances at Durk through the window. Durk, a personified symbol of his strength. Love can do crazy things. It can make you tough, it can make you brave. Fearless, in fact, love can make you fearless. Even memories of a love no longer shared. "You can't talk ta meh like dat."

"E-excuse me? You're tha one who was too busy suckin' d-"

"You can't talk ta meh like dat, slime. Ian sum bitch-"

"Slime? Kentrell! What I say bout that slime shit, nigga!? Oh.. okay.. okay.. cause you in Chicago yo ass all big and bad, nah... Is that it? Like I can't fly up there and beat yo ass." Honestly, he should have known. Kentrell is just some poor country nigga and you can't take them bastards anywhere. Shit runs straight to their heads.

His threat makes Kentrell's knees buckle. But when they do he just looks at him. His blond dreads, his golden honey complexion, the rhythmic way his chest rises and falls. He hates how much he still comforts him but right now he really needs it. "Hit meh and den what? 'm in Chiraq... I don't think you'd get out alive."

His eyes narrow, "What's tha suppose to mean, Kentrell? Huh? You got shooters up there? Hm? You threatening me?"

"No." Kentrell shakes his head. "'m just explainin' fact. Durk real powerful up hea. Dere's always lul niggas tryna get in good wit 'im. So.. um.. so you might wanna remembea dat."

"Oh. I see. So that nigga been putting shit in yo head again, huh? See!... See-" he sighs, shaking his head. Kentrell is fucking right. He needs to slow his roll, he ain't down in Georgia no more and everyone knows Durk's bitch ass is well equipped. And he beats cases. "I love you too much to let that nigga just... bribe you and shit. Remember who cheated on you. Remember who took his ring off and fucked a whore. Remember you's whore came around to fuck wit you. Iight? Toughen up. You know I love you, right baby? Look- Daddy's sorry.. iight? I'm sorry. I promised I'd never hit you again and I won't, okay? I just.. it's just.. I- I've been up all night worrying about you. I love you. I love you.."

Kentrell grins, a nervous string of laughter slips from his lips. "Stop it..." Nau'jour has him squirming on the spot and he knows that he knows he does.

Nau'jour chuckles. "I miss you, baby. You miss me?"

"Mhm. I luh you."

"Awe. I know you do. Look, I gotta handle sum shit wit this new album, they tweakin' and a nigga bout to grab his gun, fo'real."

As he listens Kentrell just bites his lip, loving the sexy bad boy talk. Funny hearing it from a wannabe while watching a real gangsta nigga sleeping. The moment makes him laugh.

"Ain't shit funny, baby boy. You gonna visit me in jail?"

"Definitely, daddy." Kentrell rolls his eyes. "You gon write?"

"If you supply tha pen and paper." Nau'jour laughs. And his laughter is so warm and inviting that it makes Kentrell laugh too. "How's that little nigga doing anyways? He what- scrape his knee or something? You just gotta slap a bandage on and then you can fly home to me?"

Kentrell blinks. Little nigga.. who? Who's that? Cause he can't be addressing Durk as a little-

"And did his little whore come by yet?"

Oh my g- he.. is he crazy!? If Durk heard him say that he'd.. he'd.. he'd fly someone down to kill his mother! "He doin' okay but he still need lots uh help. Dat's why Ian call last night it was late and I ain't wanna wake you. Nah, and she ain't coming. Nardo said she blocked his shit and left."

"Haha!" Nau'jour laughs. "That's what that nigga get. He had a diamond and still wanted a piece of quartz. Now his diamond got a real nigga and eve his quartz is gone!"

Kentrell laughs at the joke, growing flustered as the male refers to him as a diamond. "You forgive meh though?"

"Course, baby. That's why I love you. You always be lookin' after a nigga and I need that. I need somebody to hold me and you always got me." Nau'jour licks his lips. "Fo' real though i wished we spent tha other night fuckin' instead of arguin' cause damn bae, I miss you."

Kentrell giggles nervously, "Stop.." he whines. "Don't do that."

"Nah but fo' real though. I might have to fly out and get me some real quick."

"You so nasty.." Kentrell hums. "Just lemme know when-"

"Aye see! You be likin' that nasty shit though don't you? On that note Imma go and let you play nurse or whatevea. If I buy you a nurse outfit would you wear it?"

"Nigga- no!" Kentrell laughs, "You tweakin'!"

"Mhm. We gon see to that. I love you. Text me?"

"Luh you, bahbeh. Yes. I promise ta text. Have a good day."

"You too, stink." Nau'jour hangs up and so Kentrell slips his phone inside his pocket as he slips inside the room.

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