Chapter 4

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"Who are you?"

The fact that she didn't scream and kept her composure was enough to tell me that she was not that fragile and delicate anymore. She is now a strong and tough woman.

Also, I don't know why but my instincts are saying that she is been gone through encounters like these before to make her so sure and ready for the counterattack.

And that made me worried.

For her.

Sliding the doubts and my worries aside for now, I gave my undivided attention to her indifferent expression.

"Caleb Salvatore. Chief Security head of this art gallery." I said confidently while freeing her from my tight hold and making a decent distance between us.

As soon as there was enough distance between us, all the lights of the corridor turned on, as if it got a cue.

With better lightening and distance, she studied me from head to toe and arched her brow up with a judgmental look.

Given our current situation, it was obvious that she was not convinced. Therefore, I pulled out my identity card from the pocket inside my jacket and offered her to check.

She took it without hesitating and after examining it enough, handed me back.

"It still doesn't give you a right to stalk me like that, Mr. Salvatore."

I know it's been a long time, but there was a slight hope in my heart that my name would ring some bells in her mind. However, it didn't.

It hurt that the person who has been my mission, my hope, my reason for survival, and the person I am right now, showed no sign of familiarity or difference in her stoic expression after getting to know my name.

I chuckled lightly to hide my sorrow and looked at her perfect frame, waiting for my justification.

"Well, it's a good thing to think highly of oneself but it's another thing to accuse someone of stalking you, Miss. Parker." I said with a smirk, causing her to drop her cold expression for a second and look confused.

"You were following me. Don't you dare deny that," She said with gritted teeth, pronouncing each word clearly and slowly.

Oh, I like how worked up she is getting on this. 

I smirked inside my head.

"Believe it or not, but I wasn't. It's a part of my duty to inspect each corridor and room before calling it off for the day. And you and I just happened to be in the same corridor, that's it." I kept my expressions serious and professional, successfully turning the tables in a single shot.

She bought my lie and her face turned red with embarrassment.

I kept my expressions serious and innocent, leaving no room for her to doubt me again.

After a good minute of staying silent, she shook her head and tried to gain her composure back.

I smiled internally but remained indifferent physically.

If she doesn't remember me, I need to be careful around her. I can't let my guard down and make her dig into my background way too much and find out who I actually am. That will ruin my plan completely and will harm her too along the way.

I need to be cautious, for the sake of both of us.

And when the right time comes, I will tell her everything she needs to know.

But for now, I need to play along.

"Umm, fine, complete your round or whatever it is, inspection and all." She said annoyingly before masking her emotions back and took a step forward threateningly towards me.

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