Chapter 7

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If not for his strong façade falling out for a split second, I would have definitely thought that I was the only one feeling electrifying with our bodies connected like intertwined fingers.

But no, he felt that too.

And even though he tried to mask his emotions in a nanosecond, his fingers tightening on my waist were telling a different story.

Our bodies were so close that I was afraid that my breast would touch his chest if I breathed hard, leaving me with no other choice but to take a small inhale and exhale.

However, my hands had a totally different take on this, as they moved from his shoulders and slid down on his well-built chest.

I could practically feel his muscles flexing and his chest rising and falling under my touch, making me look into his eyes dreamily.

I don't know why I was feeling this much drawn towards him, but all I could think was to connect my body completely with him and feel his giant body crushing my comparably small one.

Every part of my body that was connected to his touch felt like it was on fire, and I wondered if he could feel that too.

"Are you OK?" He asked softly while slowly leaving my body from his hold as if he got a peek into my dirty mind and wanted to make a distance before I completely lost my mind and jumped on him. But not before making sure whether I can stand steady on my own legs or not.

However, as soon as his touch left my skin, my body whimpered and silently begged me to feel it again. But I pushed back that thought and tried to think rationally for once from the moment I met this person and made a distance between us by taking a few heavy steps backward and clearing my throat in an attempt to form a coherent sentence because, for a second, I literally forgot how to speak.

"I-I am f-fine." I tried saying that confidently but failed miserably as it came out as a stuttering whisper.

I lowered my head in embarrassment and shut my eyes in frustration.

Damn Hope.

Get a grip and please don't make a fool out of yourself in front of the Sex God.

With a sigh, I opened my eyes and gradually moved my head up again, only to find his ice-blue eyes turned into their darkest shade and his pupils dilated.

Is he getting angry at my clumsy and disoriented form?


He looks like the person who can crush anyone with the snap of his fingers in the blink of an eye.

And I definitely don't want to be that person.

Fear started bottling up in my body and I shivered while gulping hard.

Think something, Hope. Think.

I wanted so hard to get rid of his presence because I was started getting afraid of his giant existence that was making my small form even smaller with his towering body over mine, but more than that, I wanted to turn the time back and again get into his arms just to feel that electrifying feeling again, even if it'll be for a mere second.

Does it make any sense?


But I never thought my body could ever crave this much for someone's touch.

And if his mere touch can make me feel this much, I wonder what it would be like when his lips will touch my hot skin.

Especially, what would it feel like if his lips fell into mine?

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