Chapter 5

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I woke up with a smile on my face when warm rays of sun filled my room with brightness. Stretching my muscles and with the yawn, I sat up on my bed and reached out to grab the calendar.

2nd May.

With a smile, I looked at the circled date on the calendar and put it back on the stand. Today is the said day when I am supposed to receive my delivery parcel.

After that night when Watson assured me that he doesn't consider me a charity case but an equal and a friend, my way of looking up at him changed. A small ray of hope made its way again in my heart and that motivated me to look at my days differently too.

I decided to take charge of my life and my surroundings and change my gloomy days into productive and happy ones.

It's about time to take the lead in my book store and for that I needed a few accessories to hide and protect myself.

Almost my whole life, I have lived in darkness and shades. I never did anything that was against my Grandma and Pa's will to keep me safe and hidden.

Except one time.

When I was 15.

The urge to go out in the real world heightened like anything. I refused to believe anymore that there was still someone out there hunting me. I became frustrated with feeling fragile and vulnerable.

Therefore, one night, I decided to sneak out after Grandma and Pa slept. I grabbed my jacket and gloves, covered my face with the scarf, and finally stepped out.

It was a cold and chilly night and I regretted not covering myself in more layers of clothes. With trembling lips and wobbly legs, I started strolling around on the streets.

My heart was thumping loudly with excitement and adrenaline.

I was looking and walking in the real world and it felt surreal.

The streets, shops, restaurants, buildings, trees, and almost everything was draped with Christmas decorations as it was just around the corner.

People were busy selling and buying festivities and food items to celebrate Christmas with their families and loved ones.

A bright smile warmed up my face and looked at everything with pure delight and glee. The real world is not as bad as Grandma and Pa thinks it is. My naïve heart thought at that time.

Seeing children playing around and music enlightening the atmosphere, I started walking deep into the crowd. Totally lost in the bright lights.

Different stalls with colorful items caught my attention and without a second thought, I ran towards them.

The stall of antique jewelry took my breath away and I mindlessly touched the items with my little fingers.

"What do you want, miss?" Asked the owner of the stall.

As soon as his question fell on my ears, my eyes started scanning the items in search of something exceptional and pretty.

Soon my eyes landed on the golden necklace with the butterfly locket.

It was looking breathtaking and mesmerizing. A smile crept on my face and I pointed at it excitedly.

"This one."

"Nice Choice." The man said with a smile and picked it up to pack.

My heart was thumping loudly in my ears. This was the first time I was interacting and buying something personally for myself.

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