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Dear friend,

A friend?

I value honesty the most!

But, I can't have a Friend who does not have compassion for the less privileged. I think that when there is understanding and respect between two people it goes a long way in forming a good relationship, but everyone can't be the same. I might find loyalty and support in a semi atheist and I might find disdain and insults in a staunch christian so it's a very subjective experience, a very individual experience, because the atheist I just met might be more godly than the religious person I have always known. People are fond of wearing disguises; yes, most people are hypocritical, two faced, depending on what is trending at the moment. So to me a friend is someone who I can predict to be the same and react the same when I'm up in the clouds or down on the dirt ground. Especially when I'm in the doldrums. This translates as honesty. A little sensitivity is a bonus. It's nice to know that no matter what somebody's got your back. I once heard a very beautiful saying: a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten it. You know. Apart from The Creator of heaven and earth, and with the exception of my dearly beloved mother, and my one true sister, I have never met this person I'm describing now. I count myself fortunate, even blessed. There are those who think they have so many, but are deceived indeed.

Friendly does not mean friend. Be honest not just in the things you say but in who you are. Be true to me but be true to yourself too. Be true to God.

I value honesty a lot.

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