long story short, it was a bad time...|| V

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*Henry's POV*

It's 10 AM, on October 31st and I prepare for my shift at Freddy's. Jenny, my sister, came around 7 AM to pick Charlotte up to watch her while I'm prepping for work. The smell of coffee comes to my nose as I open the jar on instant coffee, scooping it into my mug of hot water. I pick up the mug, immediately letting it go and blowing cold air onto my hand. I watch as it hits the floor. Maybe I could have caught it, but the risk of being burned again wasn't something I wanted to risk.

"Fuck.." I whisper, kneeling on the ground by the broken mug. I only pick up a few pieces before I get a knock to my door. I groan as I get up to my feet again, dusting myself off and walking over to the door.

At first, I expected it to be William, but when I opened the door...Clay Burke stood at my front door, and my eyes widen as I look up at him. He appears to be only a few inches taller than me, but nonetheless, it's still quite intimidating to see the police officer standing in my doorway.

"Oh! You're Clay Burke, correct..?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. He looks me up and down, and confirms that he is. I step aside, inviting him inside my home. "Sorry..I just happened to make a mess right before you came, I wasn't expecting any visitors, and certainly not you."

*Clay's POV*

I watch as Henry runs over to the kitchen, kneeling down and picking up parts of a mug. "You know, your mother-in-law speaks highly of you. I wanted to come see if you were as brilliant as she said you were."

To that, Henry lifts his head, throwing the mug away. He looked almost dumbfounded that I said that.

"Oh, really? I don't believe she'd say that about me." He laughs humorlessly, turning around to grab another mug out of the dark oak cabinet.

I smile, walking over to him and grabbing his shoulder, spinning him around. I'd never really got a good look at him beforehand..I observe him now, his dark blond hair which was a cute mess, he somehow made it look good. His aviator glasses, his emerald green eyes, and they sparkled in the sunlight that spilled into the room. And clearly it had been a few days since he last shaved, since hints of a mustache were starting to come in...I snapped out of my trance, looking at Henry blankly.

He stares back at me, clutching a dark green coffee mug in his hands. "Were you about to say something..?" Henry asks nervously, and I notice our bodies were almost touching, so I decide to give him some space.

"Yes..yes, I was. I got lost in thought for a moment." I lean on the counter as he makes coffee, "Gah..I still can't think..." I say, putting a hand to my forehead and looking down.

Henry laughs softly, "That's alright, officer..I have time." He says, and I hear him sip his coffee. I look back up at him, and he hops onto the counter, sitting his coffee beside him. "You know, you got pretty lost in my eyes for at least a minute. What was up with that?"

My eyes widen, and I panic on the inside. I can't say that I think his eyes are pretty, because I didn't come here to flirt with him. I sat there speechless until I finally cane up with something to say, "Your eyes are so beautiful, Henry.." I blurt out, and regret immediately fills the pit of my stomach.

He smiles at that, looking away. "Oh! I wasn't expecting that to come from someone like you. I mean, I never expected someone like you would come to my house and willingly talk to me." He says, taking another sip of coffee from his mug.

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