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Flowers were blown out of the branches by the wind, carried through the air until they finally landed like little blobs of colour on the mirror-smooth surface of the pond.

Mountains rose into the sky in the distance, their peaks covered in snow. Red wooden roofs stood in contrast.

Beneath you, Baobaod's back rose and fell with every breath. He even began to snore a little. Frowning, you rolled your eyes.

"Lazy animal...", you muttered, swinging your legs to one side to see if they would carry you.

A sharp pain struck your bones, but when you rose, they rested your weight. Bi Han vigilantly watched your every move as you approached him.

"If the Lin Kuei traditions are old-fashioned, why have we lasted so long?", you asked with a smile.

The tension disappeared from his face. Exhaling deeply, his muscles relaxed and for a moment Bi Han was just a man.

No grandmaster, no Lin Kuei. He was your friend, the boy you had grown up with, so carefree and without the burden of duties.

He considered his words for a moment before turning so that he was standing directly in front of you. His hand placed itself on your shoulder, gently pushing you towards the tree trunk so that you could lean against it.

Sighing with relief, you accepted the help. The pressure on your legs eased a little. Only a dull tingling remained in your toes.

"There are traditions and traditions.", his voice was unusually understanding compared to his usual temper.

You tilted your head with a smile.

"What do you mean?", you gratefully accepted the hand he held out to you.

Cold vapour brushed your cheeks, quelling the heat of the pain that was shrinking in your body. Again, he just looked at you, silently watching you close your eyes and savouring the way his powers were working for you. His breathing was calm, even.

"Our children are being brought up to be ninjas.", he finally continued. "That is our tradition. The Lin Kuei way of being."

You nodded in agreement. Your fingers clasped his, at least that's what you tried to do. He had really big hands, big enough to hold all of yours if he wanted to.

"We are born to serve.", you said, still savouring the cool touch. "We have to learn how to serve."

He grumbled in agreement.

"How far do you think our services go?", he asked suddenly.

All of a sudden the wind blew so hard that it ruffled your (H/C) hair. Some of Bi Han's black strands were torn out of his knots, blowing around his cheeks.

Something tightened in your chest. Somehow you had a vague idea of what he was getting at. But you didn't dare say it out loud.

The way he reacted, he didn't agree to it. An arranged marriage with him would have been bearable for you. Perhaps Bi Han couldn't say that about himself.

How much this thought hurt. And at the same time you felt ridiculous.

Why mourn a man who didn't desire you?

Because he was so much more to you than just a man, whispered a voice in the back of your head. Ever since you were teenagers, he had been so much more than just a person in your life.

All at once, his fingers moved in your grip. You let them go. But he didn't pull away. Instead, his fingertips caressed your cheek.

"My parents married to unite two powerful clans. They learnt to love each other, but it was never a choice they had. But a duty.", again he sounded unusually thoughtful. "Your parents married to continue a strong bloodline. They didn't choose each other either."

Lost in thought, you raised your hands in front of your eyes.

These fingers held so much power, they could wipe out entire armies. A legacy that had been passed on and improved by precisely calculated unions. Daughters had been sold. Sons had done their worst only to create stronger versions of themselves.

And all this was only possible through years of targeted connections among powerful Necromancers.

"They were a good team.", you said, clenching your hands into fists to stifle the tingling of magic that was once again demanding to rage free.

His fingers curled, gripping your chin so you had to look at him.

Your eyes met. Calm brown met thoughtful (E/C).

The branches above your heads were raining blossoms. Red and pink mingled with fresh white. His tanned skin seemed to contrast like night and day.

"Did they love each other?", he asked.

Your eyebrows rose in surprise at this question.

"No.", you whispered without thinking. "I think they liked each other. Very much so. But... it was the love of stability and security. Not of the person. They died because they were loyal to their fates."

He nodded in agreement. Slowly, his fingers withdrew. As the tips slid along the edge of your chin, they left a burning sensation.

And a kind of loss. As if you had lost your favourite piece of jewellery.

Again he held back his words for a moment. Brown eyes travelled over the earth, your body and finally to Baobao, who lay snoring at Bi Han's feet, ignoring everything around him.

"Mûdān.", this time he looked at you so seriously that it sent an arrow through your chest. "If our parents weren't allowed to choose, whether through their position or their precious blood... what would have happened to us? The son of the grandmaster and the daughter that has been born mightier than all the sons of this clan?"

Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes.

"I never asked for these powers.", you said, shaking your head slightly.

His breath filled your ears.

"And I not for the title of grandmaster.", he replied, having made his peace with the fact and yet bitter. "And yet we should have fulfilled destinies."

You snorted bitterly. The look in his eyes was strangely hurt when you looked at him again.

"Would it have been so horrible?", you asked, your tongue heavy.

Would he have been so unhappy as your husband?

This time he didn't look away but held your gaze. And for a second, he seemed to feel pain and sadness. As if he were imagining the deepest levels of horror.

"If father had continued the traditions under which he led the Lin Kuei...", he faltered, so unusual for him. "Mûdān... I would be a worse man than I am now. With everything I would have done."

Bi Han "Sub-Zero" x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now