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With deadly precision your blade cut through the air, barely the width of a hair away from the woman's nose. She gifted you a smug grin, bowed back and dodged the attack, narrowly yet only through raw skill.

She was good, you had to give her that. As soon as she was back on both her feet she raised her hands, a flamelike shimmer between the black nails of her fingers.

Something in the back of your mind tingled. Something wasn't quite right. This didn't feel like natural magic or the one that could often be found in the citizens of Outworld.

This came from a different kind of realm. Eyes narrowed, you jumped back, pulled out another of your blades and let it fly towards her.

Once again she didn't have much to respond and instead turned slightly to the side. However, the blade did manage to create a small cut just right above her shoulder. A thin strand of blood seeped out.

The glow still obscured her fingers which meant she was both able to cast magic while in action and could take damage throughout it.

Both a very impressive ability.

"You fight careful.", she said as her gaze returned to you once more. "Do the Lin Kuei allow all women to be this capable?"

You let the blade spin between your fingers. The stench of iron filled your nose, made your skin crawl and your magic tingle.

A soft huff escaped you, forming the corners of your lips into an amused smile. She couldn't tell since your face was covered by a mask anyways.

"Do women not possess the possibility to prove themselves where you come from?", you asked.

All of a sudden the glow between her fingers pulled together and four projectiles appeared, all covered in flames. With a smirk, she charged two at you, waited until you jumped away and charged the remaining two.

You let yourself fall to the ground to avoid them smashing in your head. Heat caressed your face and as they hit the ground, snow and ice melted with a hiss.

Small cracks appeared in the stone ground. So her projectiles were not only heavy enough to cause destruction but also burning hot.

You needed to avoid them at all cost.

This time the woman didn't wait for you to get back to your feet. She jumped right at you, her leg threshing to split your spine open with one mighty kick.

You rolled to the side, tightened your grip on your blade and let it cut through the air. Surprised, she yelped as the metal dug into the flesh of her ankle, causing blood to splatter all over the snow as you pulled it out again.

Two jumps back and you had brought a good amount of distance between the two of you again. Just enough to catch a moment of breath.

"You're not human.", you said, as her blood ran over your fingers.

It was oddly dark, still red but not the same shade that you knew from other creatures that originated either from Outworld or Earthrealm.

Agreeing, she bowed her head.

"I must respect your strength and your mind.", she wanted to correct her stance but flinched as she put down the injured foot. "You're right, I'm not."

"Let me say that I honour your abilities."

"I can return the compliment.", one more she let magic glow between her fingers but that time it drew a glowing circle on the ground below your feet. "Before I kill you, let me know your name. I'll keep it in memory."

Your muscles flinched, legs stiffened as you wanted to jump out of reach. But something about this magical circle seemed to chain you to the ground.

Your legs refused to move. And your shoulders were agonisingly heavy. Almost as if rocks had been placed on them.

"My parents named me (Y/N).", you said, huffing under the pressure that was put on your body. "Return the favour and tell me yours."

She smiled, full of hate and yet respect for you.

"Sareena.", she answered. "Demon from the Netherrealm, member of the sisterhood of shadows."

You bowed your head, magic tingling between your fingers. Sweat shimmered on your temple. It felt like your bones were about to be crushed into pieces.

"Very well then.", you closed your eyes to focus. "There is no other way."

With a deep exhale you answered the call of your magic. Voices flooded your head, whispers tried to dig deeper into your flesh.

At your command her blood moved on your blade. At first it was only a slight shiver, barely even noticeable with the natural flow of blood.

But all of a sudden the smile on her lips faltered. And with it her grip on her magic.

The light of the circle around you flickered, started to fade away like a candle in the wind.

You curled your fingers, ordered your magic to make her kneel.

All at once a kind of pain she had never felt rushed through her body, originating from the wound on her ankle. Her leg bend, muscles tried to refuse the order of your magic but failed.

A ringing filled your ears.

Sweat appeared on her forehead. With clenched teeth she sink into the snow, her entire body trembling with the last bit of resistance.

You inhaled. And as your eyes opened again she was your slave.

Forcing back the familiar feeling of pain and exhaustion you rose from the ground and met Sareena face to face. Your eyes met. She exhaled, pressed and not at all pleased about what was to come.

The light of the sun got caught in your bloodstained blade as you lifted it just high enough for her to realise that she wouldn't leave the battle alive.

"What... are you?", she asked, breathing heavily.

Her blood dripped into the snow.

The (E/C) of your eyes darkened.

"When my powers were first discovered everyone thought of it as a weapon. A chain that could make all living beings perish.", you held the blade to her throat. "To me it is a curse for I am a living being as well."

She spit out before your feet.

"Then I hope it will make you perish!"

You smiled bitterly.

"It will. Your blood in my hands is the worst outcome for the both of us. I can bargain blood for blood. My blood inside your body. But that also means your blood inside mine. One day, with the wrong person and an amount too high, it will kill me.", you let the blade sink deep into her neck. "But today is not that day."

Bi Han "Sub-Zero" x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now