Small issues

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Normal P.O.V:

Two congratulates Are you Okay? on escaping Pen's nightmare when a loud explosion can be heard.


Two: Oh dear, that can't be good.

Two followed by Are you Okay? rush over to where a small group of students have gathered to the sight of a smoking smudge left by something blown up and a destroyed bed as well.

Puffball: What happened here?~

Two: If I recall correctly I left Remote here asleep and since she's not on any other clubs I placed Death P.A.C.T. in her head for this activity. 

OJ: That doesn't quite explain this exploded site though.

Two: I know, I wonder what happened..

Just then Four walks by not even minding what was going on, Two goes over to him.

Four: Do do-do do, do-do... 

Two: Four, perfect timing. Death P.A.C.T. seemed to have done the opposite of what they stand for to themselves, could you recover them please?

Four: Yeah sure.

Four holds out his hand and using his abilities revives Death P.A.C.T.

Liy: I told you guys pressing all those buttons wasn't a good idea!

Tree: Okay okay you've made your point. 

Pen: What happened in there?

Liy: Better question is Remote, why do you have a self destruct feature??

Remote: It's not self destruct, what you accidentally triggered was a hacker defense system, since no one was hacking me the digital bomb stayed with me. 

Pie: Let's just be happy we're all back from death.

Two: Not exactly... Four, I think you forgot to recover Black Hole.

Four: That wasn't a mistake, he's not dead. It's not being inside an exploding machine can kill him. Now if you don't mind, I have a picnic with X.

As the blue number leaves the green number with the problem a small pest keeps hovering around Two until they get annoyed and slap both hands on said pest and looks in their hands to see something else entirely. 

Two: Hmm. They where is Black Hole if he's not... if he's- oh confound it bug! *SLAP* Oh, there you are.

Tree: You found Black Hole?

Two: Sure have.

Two opens their palm to show Black Hole now incredible small. The team gather in to see him clearer. 

Remote: How did this happen?

Two: Well, part of putting you guys in someone's head is shrinking you all down, you guys are unshrunk since you died and got recovered but Black Hole on the other hand remains like this because he can't be killed. 

Black Hole then starts to hopping a supposedly trying to say something.

Two: Oh! Uh- I'm sorry Black Hole but you're far too small for me to hear you, maybe you could amplify the magnitude of your voice?

Black Hole thinks for a moment before he takes in a short breath.

Black Hole: HOW IS THIS!?  

Two is flung onto their back by the loud force of Black Hole's voice nearly dropping him if it weren't for the fact BH can fly.

Two: A tad too much.

Pen: (my ears would beg to differ..)

Black Hole: How about now? 

Tree: Perfect sweetie, but Two could you just pet Black Hole his normal size?

Two: I could.. but he's fully capable of undoing this mishap himself, now if you excuse me I still have some sleeping students to look after. Tootles. 

Pen: *snirk* Look at you, you're so tiny. *chuckle*

Pen makes the mistake of pressing his finger at Black Hole as he grabs it and swiftly throws Pen on to his back with more force than a judo master.

Pen: WOAH-! *THUD* Ow..

Black Hole: My diameter may have shrunken but that never affects my strength!

Pen: Painfully noted...

Black Hole: Two's not wrong about how I can fix this though, I just have to do what my kind does best. I'll see you guys later. 

Pen: He seriously just left without any explanation? 

Pie: isn't it obvious? The more matter Black Hole consistently sucks up, the bigger he gets. 

Liy: Didn't the lava flood teach you that?

Pen shrugs awkwardly as Tree goes off to follow Black Hole.

Tree's P.O.V:

 I head down the exit Black Hole went through and look around, immediately I hear the sound of something being dropped in the vending machine nearby and look to see Black Hole pushing a bottle of juice out from the slot. I approach him as he stands the bottle up and uses his strength to open the cap with ease.

Tree: Y'know it might be more efficient to just sit under a running faucet.

Black Hole: Yeah but your planet has a limited amount of water and I'd hate to be something that depletes some of it. Stand back a bit. 

I step back as he asks and he hops into the juice bottle, in a matter of seconds I witness him absorb every drop and outgrow the bottle making it rip open. His growth unfortunately stopped with him now at least 1 1/2 ft tall.  

Black Hole: Not enough..

Tree: I have an idea, follow me. 

~To be Continued~

[DIA] BFDI x II A Black Hole living on Earth (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now