Chapter 10: The Prince of the Abyss Clashes Against the Master who Walks to Dawn

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(That is such a long title. Either way, I was originally going to hold off this book, because I had no idea what Malleus's Overblot was going to look like. Luckily, it looks like Twisted Wonderland listened to me and gave it sooner than I thought. Enjoy!)

          "That was uncomfortable" Malleus commented, "I do wonder if this is how everyone feels to travel without teleportation magic. Though, where am I?"

He sat up and found himself sitting in a deep forest. He felt some familiarity with the forest as he stood up and cleaned himself up with his magic. He could feel magic around himself, and it was relatively filled with both light and dark magic.

"What is this place?" he wondered as he decided to take a stroll and find out what he could about this place.

As he took another step before summoning his staff to block an incoming fire and ice spell from a distance. He held himself high and faced the opponent before him who was descending from the sky.

A few moments ago, Riku was discussing with Ienzo and Namine what the plan would be to find the students and bring them back to Radiant Garden to then find a way home back to their world. They were inside the Gummi ship and found themselves above Enchanted Dominion. Ienzo discovered three students who wield darkness while one wields light.

"So, we should have Namine find the wielder of light?" Ienzo suggested, "It would be best for the person who cannot fight to handle the easiest opponent"

"No, that's a good idea" Namine agreed with a nod of her head, "I don't want to cause you and Riku any trouble"

He nodded his head in agreement before docking the ship above the world. Ienzo summoned a map to reveal a huge amount of darkness from one student. He had sent a camera to search the world for these students and found Malleus lying unconscious in a forest. Riku sensed a familiar and tense relationship to the student. His appearance reminded him so much of Maleficent that it made him worry. If this student did have a relation to Maleficent that could be a problem. He doesn't want that kind of being and power roaming free without knowing what if the person will be a threat or not.

"Riku?" Namine asked hesitantly as she looked at him with worry.

He snapped out his worried trance and knew what to do. He should be the one to confront the student and bring him in.

"I'll handle him" Riku stated as his crossed his arms over his chest, "He's has the most power compared to the others. No offense to the two of you, but I don't think you should fight him. You don't have enough strength and magic like I do"

Namine sensed something else, but Ienzo turned away and snapped his fingers to turn off the map and hold his tome.

"Well, of course, you would" Ienzo said in a little hurt tone but understanding, "You're the only one who has the power to match him in an almost fair fight. Though, I am sure I could outwit the both of you in terms of knowledge, but that is another matter. Regardless, are you prepared?"

Riku nodded before turning to the door. He pressed a button to unlock it and fell towards the world! Namine wanted to call out to him, but he was out of reach. She sighed in defeat before the door closed, causing her to jump away before sighing when it closed.

"I noticed it too" Ienzo spoke as she jumped again and turned to him with a curious expression, "He's tense and afraid of the student who bears a striking resemblance to Maleficent herself. Not to mention, this is her world as well. I don't believe this to be a coincidence, but we should be there for him"

Namine was relieved and smiled at Ienzo who took control of the ship and directed it to the world to land somewhere safe.

And now, Riku found himself face to face with Malleus who was impressed that a human dared to challenge him to a fight.

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