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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

It was a rainy, dull day.

The weather deemed fit for the events taking place at button house. As the other nine ghosts of button house surrounded a dying heather button, watching as she breathed unevenly. Evangeline, however, could not bring herself to join the semi-circle of spirits, and witness the death of her closest friend, so she stood by the window watching a single bird fly and land on the dry fountain at the entrance of the house.

"It won't be long now" solemnly stated a pant less Julian Fawcett, tearing his eyes away from the downcast beauty standing at the large window. All the ghosts were worried for the forever 24-year-old woman and how she would react to the death of heather button.

"She had tremendous innings" Evangeline heard the captain say in admiration, like Julian, the captain had been glancing at the brunette every few minutes, her devastated aura concerning him.

Evangeline decided to block out the other's chatter and started humming one of her favourite songs by the Beatles, in my life. She and heather used to fawn over the fab four together, in my life only seemed fitting. "Some have gone, and some remain" she sung aloud, over the years of being a ghost Evangeline had begun to accept her supernatural reality, it was unknown to her if heather would stay as a ghost at button house or move on with death; only time will tell.

"shhh. I think it's happening!" Evangeline was broken out of her daydream by the squealing of the young Georgian ghost, kitty. Thomas beckoned Evangeline over and opened his arm in an invite to comfort her. As Evangeline took her place underneath the regent poet's solace, keeping her eyes trained on Heather as she lit up and began to levitate spiritually, she failed to notice the slightly jealous gaze of a certain disgraced politician.

"Who are you?" heathers golden spirit questioned, looking round at the strangers in a wide variation of clothing who were surrounding her bed.

"I am the ghost of your great grandmother" fanny answered in a proud tone, when heather's eyes landed on Evangeline she gasped in disbelief.

"Angie" the sisterly bonded girls of the same yet different ages began to reach out for each other in shock and yearning.

"We are those poor spirits who dwell, compelled for reasons unknown" Thomas began to dramatically recite, his arm around the mourning girl tightening, the other ghosts staring at the duo in incredulity and pity. And with her arm still reaching towards her honorary sister, heather buttons spirit flew upwards, and she was gone. "Ah she's gone" Thomas voiced Evangeline's thoughts exactly, in a less negative voice. All that remained was her spiritless corpse.

"Ah lucky cow" Mary said in envy, both for heathers comfortable death and her 'sucking off.' Pat responded, ever the positive person "good on her actually," and Evangeline hummed in agreement to the scoutmaster's statement. It is not like any of the ghosts had a choice or input to their individual fate.

Robin and Julian began to argue over something stupid and irrelevant, completely unaware of the weeping girl who was being comforted by Mary, Thomas, and Humphrey, who was now cradled in Evangeline's grasp. "Guys if you please!" pat squeaked, looking at Evangeline, trying to get the woeful message across to the pair. "Perhaps one of us should say a few words," pat was so considerate, thought Evangeline.

"Yes, I'll do it" stated the captain, he cleared his throat and the other ghosts silenced in preparation for his speech. "Bagsy. Her. Room" the ghosts all mumbled and sighed in distaste at his awful timing.

"Oh, Shes only just died have some respect" fanny defended her great granddaughter, pat and Mary glanced at Evangeline and then each other and tutted at the usually strict male's inconsiderate outburst.

When the captain began to bashfully defend his words, fanny emotionally mourned, "she was the last button of button house" all the ghosts proceeded to nod in agree, Julian looked at Evangeline to find her staring at heathers corpse, her eyes appeared empty in a haze, and slightly confused.

No one knew Evangeline's cause of death, only the giveaway of her floral pajamas and slippers, that it happened at night. In fact, none of the ghosts knew much about her at all, Julian suspected that she confided in Mary a lot because the two of them were in cahoots, but Evangeline was always there to comfort the others no matter what. The one thing they did know was her close relationship with heather, it was their turn to comfort her now, and Julian certainly was not going to let her down.

"The final button died today" Thomas began theatrically, pointing towards heather, looking up he carried on "though where she goes, we cannot say" all the ghosts groaned in annoyance and began to flee the room. As Evangeline gave pat Humphreys head, the arrowed man whispered "Evy, love, are you alright?" in his soft northern accent.

As Evangeline kneeled next to heather's resting figure, she sniffled and watery spoke for the first time in a while, her voice slightly croaky "i will be pat, it's what she would have wanted. She would have gone mad if she became a ghost" pat nodded and gave her the space she needed and he left the room, with Humphrey in his hands.

It was now just kitty, Julian, Evangeline, and Thomas in the room. Thomas was blabbering a poem, that Evangeline usually would have appreciated. Kitty knelt next to Evangeline and gave her a larger-than-life hug. "I'll be by the lake Evy" the Georgian girl whispered to her sister and once Evangeline responded with a nod, she also left the room. Thomas was still in his own world when Julian cleared his throat and said, "we could go for a late-night walk tonight if you'd like?," his rare softness melting Evangeline and she grinned slightly "I'd love that." and like the rest, with a nod and an awkward smile Julian left the room.

Once Thomas had finished his musings, he walked over to Evangeline and advised "maybe its for the best that you say goodbye now and let that be that, I know its hard, but you don't want depress yourself" he rubbed Evangelines shoulder as she nodded, "could I have moment please, Thomas, I'll be out in a sec, then maybe you could recite 'Hermione and Roger' to cheer me up?" the poet jumped up and practically skipped out the room wordlessly, excited that once again, Evangeline was interested in his work.

Evangeline sighed at the situation, she looked at heather and croaked "thank you heather, for everything, I will miss you dearly sister, have a peaceful death" as she stood she huffed and shook herself off, "in my life, I love you more" and like every other ghost,

she left the room.


✧.*✧.*mils notes.✧.*✧.*

╰┈➤ WELCOME TO SENSUAL POLITICS!! I am currently in the middle of my GCSES, so updates for the remaining two weeks of my exams will be very slow, however I wanted to get an initial introduction published!

╰┈➤this is a Julian ff, yet  their relationship will not be the main focus and could be slow burn, I want to explore Evangelines relationship with each character before starting the romance! I chose Julian because Simon is severely underrated and I think it would be lovely to develop his character in a different scenario!

╰┈➤this is my first time writing a proper ff so please, if there is any mistakes I apologize now in advance! and any tips are entirely welcome, and songs for each seasons playlist pls pls pls (I need ideas)

╰┈➤it may sound ambitious now, but I would like to have the entire book out and have the final chapter out at Christmas, and based on my plan that would mean multiple chapters a week!!! (from 14 June xo), so be ready!, part 2 of this chapter will be out very soon!

╰┈➤FINALLY, enjoy and don't be a silent reader!!!

much love, mil x

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