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It had been two months since heathers death, Evangeline had gotten over it quicker than she thought she would. A week after they had taken heathers body from her bed, Evangeline had started fresh start, as a ghost you learn to not mourn death, but accept it as a second chance at a restricted life.

All of the ghosts were sitting in the main living room, Robin and Julian were sitting playing chess, and Mary was giving the others a detailed talk about baskets or potatoes, Evangeline was not entirely sure; but there were many innocent double entendres. If she was being completely honest, Evangeline had been ogling at kitty's beautiful hair or Julians legs from her space in between the captain and Thomas.

Over the course of two months Evangeline had become substantially closer to the other ghosts of button house and had begun to come out of her shell. She and fanny had surprisingly bonded over their love of animals, and secretly lace. The captain had proven himself as a permanent father figure for Evangeline and kitty. Mary had taught her about different plants, leaves, and flowers. Thomas continued to be her main support and companion. Pat caught her up on the sixteen years she had missed up until his death (she was devasted about the death of John Lennon and split up of the Beatles). Humphrey and Evangeline still had their daily catch ups. Robin had funnily enough introduced her to all his wildlife friends and often danced with Kitty, Evangeline and Pat. Kitty had been a constant and had daily sleepovers with Evangeline. Evangeline even went to visit the plague ghosts every day in the morning.

And then there was Julian. The disgraced tory had shockingly let his guard down around Evangeline and took her on daily late-night walks, most of the time in comfortable silence, but nevertheless serene. However, there was something about Julian Fawcett that Evangeline could not place her finger on, she knew his crudeness was a partial cover to his true self, but there was something else. Whether it be the constant glances the two took at each other when they thought the other was not looking or just simply the new acquaintance, Evangeline adored it.

Breaking out of her trance Evangeline clutched her silver locket around her neck to balance herself, she wiped down her fleece floral pajamas out of habit and once again thanked herself for dying in something so comfortable. All the ghosts began to clap for Mary's talk, and so Evangeline joined in with a nudge from Thomas with his foot.

"Lovely talk of the day from Mary today" praised pat, walking up to where Mary was stood, still clapping. "I think I can safely say if we had any wicker, or indeed we could touch anything we could make a pretty rad looking basket" ahh so the talk was about baskets, Evangeline thought nodding to herself, giggling slightly when fanny exasperated in disgust. As pat carried on with his talk, Evangeline noticed Julian staring at her, a few years ago that would have really creeped her out, but when he smiled, she smiled back, and he carried on losing at chess.

Mary sat down directly in front of where Evangeline was stood, the burnt woman was seeping in soot, so Evangeline frowned at patted her on the shoulder softly in support. "So, tomorrow is food club" pat carried on excitedly as everyone, but kitty groaned or sighed. "When kitty will be telling us all about the first time she ate an egg," kitty looked at Evangeline beaming with pride, and the sixties girl beamed back and clapped in excitement for kitty.

"I actually didn't like it" kitty began, Evangeline chuckling softly, whilst Mary looked at the girl with a face full of happiness.

"All right kitty, well save it for tomorrow please. Give us something to look forward to" pat pleaded in desperation. "And then on Wednesday Julian has volunteered to make a speech" pat carried on discussing the events of the week and moved to the right so the ghosts could see Julian as he spoke.

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