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After a long day of shocking revelations, the ghosts left the livings alone, pondering what to do next, Evangeline felt quite unsettled by a living woman making eye contact with her, it suddenly felt like the comfort of 51 years of paranormal invisibility had been stripped away from her, which in a way it had.

The ghosts were sat spread out in Evangeline's bedroom, fanny and the captain stood by the door, Thomas sat on the armchair, with pat ledged on the arm of it, Julian and Evangeline sat up at the headboard of her bed, robin and mary sat at the end of the bed and kitty was sat at the windowsill with Humphreys head in her hands.

"What do we do?" Evangeline mumbled looking at the faces around her, "it's not like we can leave, but..." she trailed off at a loss of words and thought, grasping her locket she looked at pat, he always knew what to do.

Pat shifted uncomfortably, pushing his glasses up his nose, "I suppose we should be one hundred percent sure that she can see us before we come up with any further ideas", everyone nodded in agreement "if she can see us, can she hear us?"

Funnily enough, no one else had seemed to of thought of that feature, the captain hummed loudly "good point Patrick. Tomorrow morning at zero eight hundred hours, we will meet here for a debrief and then begin, operation aural" Evangeline and Julian looked at each other smirking with furrowed brows, fanny tutted "give it a rest you two, aural as in the sense of hearing" she huffed and walked to her bedroom. "yes" the captain cleared his throat and followed suit.

After about ten more minutes of hushed chatter, pat, Thomas, Mary, robin, and kitty with Humphreys head all left Evangeline's room, Mary and kitty throwing knowing glances at Evangeline who was still sat on the bed. After a few beats of silence, Julian sighed and sat up ready to leave, when Evangeline quickly sat up as well and reached out to grab his hand and whispered "don't go Julian, I'm sorry for the past few weeks, it's not you, I promise", in shock Julian turned round and lied them both back down on the mattress, "you have nothing to apologise for my darling".

In an equal state of vulnerability, the pair lay facing each other, breathes mingling, eyes reaching out, speaking the unspoken, fingers, legs and souls intertwined. And for a moment it felt as if a firework display was surrounding them, feelings that had been question marked suddenly made so much sense to them from separate perspectives.

Julian had never felt like this before, it may sound cliche, but Evangeline brought out a genuine side to him that he had locked up for most of his life. He had never felt many emotions, due to the lack of them presented to him growing up, Margot did not love him, he did not love her either, he shouldn't have had numerous meaningless affairs, but she was only married to him for wealth and status. And yet here he was as a ghost, looking into the most beautiful eyes of another ghost, they were never supposed to meet, but fate wanted them to spend eternity together and suddenly Julian felt something, the numbness of his life had flourished into an overwhelming sentimental death.

Evangeline had always believed in soulmates, platonic and romantic, she had died before meeting her own, but in 1993, 25 years after her death Julian died, she hadn't felt anything initially, in fact they did not even have a conversation until about 2005, but that's when Evangeline first realised just similar, they were. Evangeline didn't think she loved Julian, not yet, but she thinks she really could. And for some reason, whether it to fill the silence encasing them, or just to get it off her chest, or simply because she was growing to trust him, Evangeline told him something she hadn't discussed with any of the others,

she told him about her death.

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The next morning, Evangeline awoke before the sun, her head was resting on a snoring politician's chest, his arm wrapped around her loosely. Evangeline sighed in contentment and buried her cheek further into his shirt, she felt lighter this morning, maybe it was what she needed, to tell someone.

She recalled how he let her speak and didn't interrupt, the way he took her into his arms after she had finished, he hadn't said much but evangeline didn't really want him to. His scent and comfort lulled her back to sleep.

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A few hours later, Evangeline was awoken by chatter this time, squinting one eye open she saw everyone, but Julian, Fanny and Thomas huddled at the edge of her bed in discussion. Groaning quietly, she sat up and noticed that her head had been asleep on one of Julians arms, looking to her right said pant less man was sat up looking boredly at the others, evangeline glanced to her left and Thomas was sat at the windowsill, mumbling something under his breath. Fanny must have been asleep.

Evangeline shifted so she was sat upright in the same position as Julian, facing him she whispered, "morning." The politician looked back at her, and replied "good morning sweeth-"

"Oh Evy, you're awake!" kitty squealed, cutting Julian off, all the others looked the pajama clad girl and chorused different renditions of the phrase, evangeline looked at them suspiciously, why were they all so chipper at this time of morning. "Up and at 'em Evy" pat piped up.

Groaning loudly, Evangeline patted Julian's knee as they both got out of her bed. Standing up and joining the others, Evangeline walked with Thomas, as everyone else clustered into a group in the hallway, the Lewes girl whispered into the poet's ear, "what is going on?" Thomas looked down at her and slightly shrugged his shoulders whilst whispering back, "not too sure, although I believe robin is going scaring the fair living beauty, to see if she can hear us as well" Evangeline frowned at him with a smirk on her face, "Thomas, she's married" when the man's face didn't change, she added "and alive". That made Thomas shrink into himself a tiny bit, evangeline patted his shoulder sympathetically, and started following the rest.

The ghosts stood outsides the livings bedroom, pat shushed everyone as Mary popped her head through the door to check they were in there, "the livings girl be in there" Mary frightfully whispered to the group, "yes thank you Mary" the captain stiffly replied, the woman nodded and scurried next to kitty.

Slowly, they all phased through the walls and no one was in there, everyone looked at Mary confused, she just pointed to the en suite bathroom and looked away. Evangeline glanced over at Julian, the man seemed to be in his own head, so she moved over to him and grabbed onto his arm, comforting both of them. The captain then gestured to robin to enter the bathroom and scare the woman. In anticipation the ghosts gathered in a huddle a few feet away from the bathroom door, kitty holding Evangeline's free hand.

After a few moments, all that could be heard was robin shouting "TESTING" followed by a feminine cry of fear, then more ruckus was heard and robin ran out of the bathroom in fright himself. A loud bang was made, evangeline and kitty flinched a tiny bit.

"well that seems pretty conclusive" the captain stated, "she can also hear us" he confirmed, evangeline looked up at Julian frowning, he opened his mouth to say something but shut it after a few beats of silence. The living woman made a groaning sound from her bathroom, was she ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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