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"Kill them"

Evangeline gaped at robin in shock, it had been a few hours since the initial events of the couple moving in and now all the ghosts were surrounding the pair as they slept in their new bed. Robin really did not like the idea of hotels.

"I quite agree, if we all approve the use of force to, you know, enable then not to live anymore" Julian declared nonchalantly, he looked at Evangeline who was stood in between Pat and Fanny and adjusted his tie insecurely when he saw the wide-eyed look she was giving him.

"Out of the question that's completely immoral" fanny demanded, Evangeline, pat and the captain all hummed or nodded in agreement, it was not nice being murdered.

"If we do kill them, we could be stuck with them forever" the Captain reasoned, "would that be so bad?" Thomas still had that unfamiliar look on his face, the couple who moved in had made an unknowingly large shift in all the ghost's behavior.

"No, you are missing the point. It is completely unethical and just simply wrong to kill two innocent people! And let's be honest how would we even kill them if we cannot touch anything?" Evangeline rambled frantically, looking round the room at the faces of each ghost.

"Kill them" Robin drawled, Evangeline took a step back and frowned, what the hell. "Here here" Julian responded, Evangeline could not believe her ears, she looked at Fanny who was holding the same facial expression as her, both women were disappointed with the others. No one wanted the couple to live there less than Evangeline and Fanny, but they knew murder was not even relevant.

"But that's a crime, we'll hang" Kitty wailed, all the ghosts looked at her in confusion, the clock rang, and suddenly a scream was heard. Evangeline glanced to her left and fanny was gone, "dammit Fanny!" the Captain exclaimed. Ah she must have sleepwalked out the window again.

"Oh! Or we could always try" Pat began in epiphany, turning around to look at the others "haunting, we are ghosts" he shrugged everyone made noises of agreement.

"Right well I'm off to bed, night everyone" Evangeline yawned as she left the room, everyone mumbling "good night" as she left. Julian snook off, following Evangeline out the door. When he knew it was just the two of them, he whispered into the darkness "Evy, darling?"

Evangeline turned around in shock; her cheeks were flaming crimson at the tenderness of the Tory's words. Seemingly forgetting his death threats towards the newbies. "Julian, what is it?" she softly whispered back. They both walked forward to the point where they were standing directly in front of each other, Evangeline had to slightly crane her neck up to look at his handsome face.

"I just wanted to check if you were, ok?" Julian murmured, his hands were twitching at his sides, desperate to reach out to her. He had never felt like this before.

"I am ok, it just hit me suddenly that heather is gone, gone forever. And now other people own her house, it has all happened so quickly." Evangeline mumbled looking down.

Julian sighed in sympathy; he did not really know what to say. "I know, I'm sorry," he consoled, and like they had been a few times, Evangeline and Julian were coordinated as they both leaned forward into each other's embrace.

Julian felt slightly emotional, this was the first time he had been hugged in years, even before his death. Evangeline's face was on fire, it was smushed into the comfort of Julians shirt, it smelt faintly of aftershave, champagne, and laundry detergent. She loved it.

They quickly pulled a part as all the others were walking towards them, Evangeline moved away from him and walked through the door into her bedroom. She fell asleep with Julian on her mind and the fact that Kitty hadn't snuck in for the first time in three years.

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