01 | Muddled

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01 | Muddled: Start





You opened your eyes to the sky. Ah, the beautiful sky. 

Those fluffy clouds floating through the endless beautiful blue void, as carefree as can be. As free as could be. I wonder what it's like to touch one. Maybe it's soft? Or perhaps fuzzy? Maybe its both.

They look so dense yet so light at the same time. 

So simply complicated. 

One minute they are peaceful and calm, and then the next they change into the complete opposite. 

It's incredible how we can love and hate the same thing at the same time.

You reach your hand out to the sky, a light breeze blowing your hair and the grass surrounding you to join its small dance. You carefully inhale and exhales, slowly putting your hand back to your chest, whilst your other hand plays with some grass. You can't help but smile. 

I wish I could stay here forever.

You listen to a river, the birds, the grass, the trees, your breath, your heartbeat. It's an endless calming melody that tempts you to stay. 

Tempts you to remain in this peaceful state. You close your eyes again. Resting in the calm surrounding you. 

Suddenly, you can feel the grass sink on both your sides, "Beautiful right?" You open your eyes and look at the stranger on your right that spoke. 

Their face is blurry, but you can tell the voice belongs to a young lady. 

"Sure is," another voice from your left appears. You instantly turn your head towards the new voice. Yet another blurry face.

They feel so familiar. Who are they..? 

Why does my heart hurt so much all the sudden.?

"You're not supposed to be here yet, big sis," The soft voice on your right spoke. 

What does she mean? 

"She's right ya know, you've still got plenty of time. You've still got him," you turn your head back to your left, now looking at the other blurry face.

My heart hurts. 

You can feel yourself fighting back tears. 

"Why did you guys leave me behind.. why..?" 


What am I saying? Why am I crying? What's going on? Who are these people? Why does it hurt so much? Why am I angry at them? Why am I sad? 


Why.. do I miss and yearn for them so much..?

Both of the blurry faces laugh lightly. The stranger on your right grabs one of your hands, lightly holding it. "We're sorry, big sis. We're total jerks for leaving you behind," The other blurred face grabs your other hand and holds it. They then say-

"One day.."

"One day you'll understand.."

"We did what we had to do to protect you.."

"One day.."

"One day you'll forgive us.."

Your heart feels like it's being ripped out of your small body.

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