08 | Unforgiving

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08 | Unforgiving: Start





"Hey sweetheart, why don't you show us a good time..." 

One of them reached for your face but you instantly stepped back and kicked him square in the nuts. He fell to the floor and let out a high pitched- or rather 'girl' scream. It was kind of funny. 

"Hands. Off." You said sternly while backing away. 

One of the three guys jumped at you. He managed to grab your arm. He pulled you to him and through you to the floor. 


You where still recovering- still in a very weak state physically. Hence how they easily through you around. 

"Bitches like you need to be taught a lesson," he said whilst he begin to keep kicking you down. 

If you weren't in such a pitiful state health wise, you would have had these creeps beaten to a pulp within minuets. 

You haven't tried fighting since you woke up. But something inside of you tells you that you know how to- and pretty well at that. 

Your snapped out of your thoughts as one grabs your neck- squeezing it. 

Is this crazy bastard trying to choke me to death?!

You try to fight back by kicking him- and now his other friends trying to help him out. 

Tears form in your eyes as you see them having no struggles against your retaliation. 

You could feel your head getting light headed, and your sight being clouded as the man keeps squeezing your neck- trying to get you to do god knows what. 

You tried to cry out for help but nothing came out. You where struggling enough to breathe. Getting words out would be impossible.

You notice one of the men trying to unbutton your shirt, while another reaches for your cheek. 

You let out a muffled scream in hopes of getting someone's attention. 

The man squeezing your neck, squeezes tighter. To the point where you cant even breathe anymore. 

Tears now spilling out of your eyes. 





"Get off me!" 

Five drunk men had you cornered in an alleyway- your back against its wall, unable to run. 

As they got closer you started to cry. You where still so young- thirteen if that. 

One grab's your shoulder and puts their discussing mouth next to your ear, licking underneath it. You shiver and went to scream but he covers your mouth. 

Your now shaking in pure fear as is to what's about to happen to you. 

Is this the end? 

What's going to happen to me?

Someone, anyone please. Help... 

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" You hear a voice of a young boy. You open your eyes and look at him with teary, fearful eyes. He has black hair styled in an undercut, he has a bit of a scuffed up face- presumably from a fight he got in. He had a black shirt with a matching dark grey jacket. He was holding a small knife, but he was small so it looked rather big with him holding it. 

His eyes are full of furry as he runs up to defend you. 

He looked your age, and sadly, somehow he was taller then you. 

You look behind him towards a man with a hat and beige coat watching silently. 

A crowd slowly formed as he beat the living shit out of the guys who tried to molest you. 

You wanted to help, but he looked like he was doing just fine on his own. For how small he was, he was very strong, and an incredible fighter. 

You sank to the ground holding yourself as he was finishing the rest of them off- still shaking slightly. 

He starts to kick one of them on the head repeatedly, holding his knife backhandedly. Several kids your age begin to surround with the adults, all of them cheering the boy on. His nose was a little bloody and had a little cut on his cheek, but other then that he was fine. 

Your attention was on him. Watching him with awe. He- A complete stranger, just saved you form something that could have killed you, or worse. 

Your gaze then found itself on the man with the beige coat and hat turning to walk away. The young boy noticed too, and looked confused and slightly sad about it but was quickly turned back to the fight as one tried to attack him. 

After he 'took care' of the five men, he walked up to you, wiping his bloody nose. He kneeled down by your side. He looked at you with his sharp grayish-blue eyes. "You okay?" he said quietly. He looked genuinely concerned. 

You let more tears out and you jump at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Tha-thank y-you," You try to say though your tears. He stared blankly in front of him as you hugged and cried into his shoulder. After a while his gaze softened and he put one of his hands on your back, now hugging you back. "Don't mention it, brat," you let out a small laugh at the nickname.

After a while, he tried to get you off of him, but your grip stayed tight. He eventually gave up and gave in to what you clearly wanted, now carrying you while you kept your arms wrapped around his neck tightly. 

And the two of you stay like this for a while.

He kept trying to get you off him but failed. You where determined to stay wrapped around him. 

Eventually, after literal hours of begging you to let go, you did. And when you did, the boy was ready to up and leave, but something stopped him. 

 He felt obligated- or more connected to you in some way- wither it be that fact that you hugged him for five hours or wither it be that he saved your life, he felt a strong connection to you, and something in him wanted to stay by your side. 

"What's your name?" He said to the you gently. 

You said nothing still scared from earlier even though you trust him. 

Noticing this he sighs and puts his hand on your head, patting it gently, and with a small smile he says, "Mine's Levi, just Levi. This world is unforgiving, so you got to be carful. But don't worry, I'm here, I'll keep you safe, brat."





"OI, GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" the voice rang through your head as you snapped back to reality.  

Levi... he-..  we knew each other.?

Your thoughts where cut off, but one of the men being kicked off you. You gasp out for air as you can finally breathe again. You have a feeling there's gonna be one hell of a bruise on your neck tomorrow. 

You stare up at the ceiling trying to process everything, trying to connect the dots. Everything else happening around you is a blur. 

Levi.. I knew he felt familiar why.. He saved me... He's the guy with dark hair in my memories.. why didn't he say something.. why-

Your thoughts are cut off by Levi, kneeling down by your side looking at all of you- making sure your not hurt, "You okay?" 


08 | Unforgiving: End






I got a snack at the library. I thought it was a cookie. I was deceived. Its a fucking oat bar. 



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