12 | Invisible

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12 | Invisible: Start





Why does Levi mean so much to me...?

As that thought comes racing into your mind you wish you could bash your head against a wall. 

Thankfully that thought serves as a wake up call to remembering you were running. You don't even know how many laps you've gone. You where very out of it today. Probably a lovely combination of the lack of sleep, memories, and questions flooding your mind. 

You decide to run ten more laps just to be sure. Plus if you are over thirty then its not going to hurt you. You need as much stamina and exercise as possible if your going to do this. 

You run your ten more laps and then go back to the group whom where working on balancing in ODM gear. You look at it and think, God that looks fun. 

You walk over to Instructor Shadis and salute him. 

"Finished my thirty laps, sir." You say. You don't know if you did over or under thirty, but you know you did a lot. 

"You've ran seventy-eight laps, much over thirty, cadet." He says not even looking at you, arms behind his back. 

You cant help but be a little shocked by what he said. 

He had been counting? I guess that makes since, but still. 

You say nothing in response, not knowing what you could say. 

He turns his attention to you and stares intensely at you. 

"You aren't cut out to be a solider. You cant even count the amount of laps you've ran or hear basic instructions from your instructor. You'd die faster then a newborn child. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and go home. You aren't cut out for this." He then walks away to go yell at that one green eyed kid. 

You stand there, still and shocked. The last thing you expected him to say was that. But you thought about it for a second. Maybe you should give up. After all you are the one who could barely lift a plate a few months ago. You think about it for a few more minutes and start to walk over to Swades. He turns his attention to you, his arms still behind his back.

"The only way I am quieting is over my dead body. You can suck my tits if you think I'm going to listen to your old, wrinkly, usless, bitch ass." You say confidently with a calm persona and voice. Everyone freezes, completely shocked at what you had said. Christa put her hands over her mouth and Ymir smiles watching the scene unfold.

Shadis stares at you for a minute and then closes his eyes and nods. "Glad to hear it, Aber. Gear is over there, get suited up and start practicing. I am expecting you to do exceptional." He then walks away. Everyone's jaws are on the floor. A confidant and proud smirk appears on your face.

You walk over to the gear and put it on. As you do, it feels familiar for some odd reason. You ignore it for now, deciding you don't need anymore seamlessly invisible problems invading your focus and mind today. 

You walk over to the training towers and attach your gear to the wires. As you lift off the ground it was like your body knew what to do as you didn't fall over or even falter in balance for a moment. It was like you've done this a million times. 

Everyone watches in awe. Only a few cadets where able to get it easily on the first try and you where now one of them. 

Eventually, evening comes and you all head back to the barracks to get cleaned up and ready for dinner. As you get ready for your shower Christa and Ymir approach you with a few other girls following behind watching with smiles.

"Looks like you've got some bite, tiny" Ymir says talking about what she said earlier. 

You simply smile in response, but internally frustrated with the new nickname that you know is going to stick for a long, long time. 

Other girls talk to you about what happened and tell you how "brave" and "cool" you are for standing up to the instructor. Which was nice for a second, but the attention starts to kill you. You eventually sneak off to go take a shower in peace. 

Once your done with your shower you get dressed in your normal clothes, and head to the dinning hall for dinner. You grab your portion of food, being one of first again. You sit down in your now usual spot and start enjoying your food in silence. 

As the dinning hall floods so does the noise in your ears. You try to finish quickly so you can go back to somewhere quieter. But just as you where about to finish three kids sit down at your table. One being that Shiganshina kid. You look up at the three and the kid with green eyes is staring you down the most of the trio. 

"Hi?" You say trying to figure out why they are there and what they want. 

"Your Aber right?" He says still staring you down intensely. 

You nod and sigh knowing this is going to keep you here longer then you wanted to be. 

He suddenly smiles.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Eren." 


12 | Invisible: End






Sorry for the short chapter I really wanted to get one more out before I leave again T^T

Hope your enjoying the story so far! 


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