04 | Query

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04 | Query: Start





"Anddd this is my office, feel free to come here whenever," Hange spoke full of excitement. You have been getting a tour for the past hour and a half, reason being Hange has felt the need to show you, quite literally, everything. 

"Hey um, Han- H?" Hange turns around to you and smiles, "Yes my dear?"

You smile again and decide to ask what's been on your mind. "The meeting with Erwin. What's that about?" Hange sits on top of their desk and sighs. "The whole meeting thing is basically a debriefing. We found you outside the walls, and with how starved and dehydrated you were, you were out their for a long time," Hange looks away, you can tell they are being serious now, "Two years ago something awful happened," Hange looks out the windows towards the Walls. "Two years ago, two titans known as the Colossal and the Armored, broke through Wall Maria. Causing hundreds of casualty's. It was a devastating blow to humanity," You can see the solum yet curious expression on hange's face, the determination in their eyes. "Erwin thinks you might know something. Even though I've explained to him that you've lost all your memories, he still wishes to ask you a few questions. Hence why we set up a meeting. Me and Levi with both be there, be it as we found you."

You stare at Hange for a moment. And then nod. "I understand. But when you say 'broke through'..  You mean-" Your cut off by a knock at the door. "It's Erwin, Levi as well."

Hange gives me a reassuring smile, "Come in," As they say that the two walk into the room. Erwin greets you with a smile, "Ah, hello again, how are you feeling? Any better?" You offer a small smile back, "Yes, I am. Sorry again for leaving so suddenly," He waves his hand telling you it's alright. 

Then your gaze finds Levi, he still looks upset, or rather shook, from earlier. You wanted to ask why and if he was alright, but last time you tried to talk, he just ignored you completely. So you decide to leave it be for now. He leans against a wall, again, and stares at the floor, not really present in what happening.

Wonder what's wrong.. 

"Alright let's get started," Erwin said as he sat in Hange's chair, Hange just standing on his left. They nod their head to the chair, so you sit down and look and Erwin, waiting for whatever questions he has for you. 

"A month ago, you were found sleeping against a tree outside the Walls, correct?"

"Correct." How long was I asleep, damn.

"Is it also correct that you woke up with no memory's of anything relating to you or your life, in any way, before you woke up?"


"Did or does that include the knowledge of titans and the walls? Humanity's current situation?" 

"Correct, but Hange explained things to me a shortly after I woke up."

Erwin turned to Hange to get confirmation. They nodded and his attention went back to you. 

"Alright, have you gotten any memory's back since you've woken up?"

You hesitate to tell the truth, the sole reason being you don't trust or really know any of them, other than Hange. Which Erwin notices and takes a mental note of. 

"I have, but not much."

"Would you mind to elaborating more on whatever you remembered? We'd like to help find out who you are, like your name, family, etc.. And your memories are the only key we have to finding those answers."

You look down to your fidgeting hands, thinking about his query. 

"I-" You sigh and look around the room, getting a glance at the handsome man leaning against the wall. "When Hange was asking about a name everyone could call me.." You can see Levi sift in your peripheral vision.

I'm sorry.'

"I remembered someone I used to, or do know," You say, keeping your gaze off Erwin, Levi, or Hange.  

Once again he looks over at Hange for confirmation, knowing that they went after you to make sure you were alright. They nod again. 

"What was this persons name? if you can remember,"

Your breath hitches, and you close your eyes. 


You hear Levi get off the wall. He's on edge. 

Erwin nodded. "Do you remember what the area in the memory looked like, like a restaurant or perhaps a wall?"

You think for a moment. "Not really, I just remember feelings I felt while there."

"And those are?"

"Damp, cold, uneasy, and unsafe"

You could hear Levi walk a little closer. He must be staring at Erwin because he's staring behind you. 

"I see." Was all he said. 

He then stood up with a certain look you couldn't figure out on his face. 

"I see. Thank you for your time-"

"Mia," you cut him off unintentionally. "That is until I remember my actual name."

Erwin smiles and leaves, Levi following. 

They're not telling me somthing.. 


04 | Query: End






Sorry for such a short chapter. I'm eppy and need my sleepy 💀

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